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RTFB Podcast Episodes

Books that we F'ing R'ed:

Die Hard
The Postman
RTFB: Year 4
Dune: Part 2
Are you there God?
A Christmas Carol
Science Fiction Double Feature
A Haunting in Venice
Starship Troopers
RTFB: Year 3
The Noel Diary
Valerian and Laureline
Death on the Nile
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
RTFB: Year 2
The Christmas Contest
The Hunt for Red October
Blade Runner
The Duke and I
A Timeless Christmas
The Exorcist
Casino Royale
RTFB: Year 1
Planet of the Apes
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
The Mistletoe Secret
Dr Sleep
Silence of the Lambs
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
2001 : A Space Odyssey

Season 8 - Blade Runner / Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

Phillip K Dick's book about replicants and human empathy (and sci-fi novels driving the martian economy) that got a much cooler name when it was adapted by Ridley Scott.

Season 8 - Prelude to Blade Runner / Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (e)


Chris Hamm, Chris Jacobsen, Travis Rowe

Wherein we introduce our new book - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Phillip K Dick, the book that became the movie Blade Runner, and we also discuss: Jokes that transcend national borders; high school mascots; how to prove you aren't an android; Phillip K Dick's life and career; universal knowledge imparted by pink beams of light; the many versions of the movie; and general expectations for the book.

Blade Runner - Episode 1 (e)


Chris Hamm, Chris Jacobsen, Travis Rowe

Wherein we review the first half of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Phillip K Dick, the book that became the movie Blade Runner, and we also discuss: robot vacuums, electronic mood manipulation to win arguments, pets as a religion, social scenarios that robots aren't sure how to react to, models of laser tubes, and wild speculation over what is really going on in this book.

Blade Runner - Episode 2 (e)


Chris Hamm, Chris Jacobsen, Travis Rowe

Wherein we review the second half of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and we also discuss: impermanence of physical media, empathy via googley eyes, demand for sci-fi books in the android community, reverse Chekhov's guns, and messianic figures with realistic self-assessments.

Blade Runner - Episode 3 (e)


Chris Hamm, Chris Jacobsen, Danielle Rowe, Travis Rowe

Wherein we review Blade Runner - the Final Cut version and we also discuss: genre-defining environmental city scapes, roguish scamps and noodle eating, past due promises of flying cars, potentially purposeful differences from the book, using garbage piles for sympathy, creepy human furbies, expert portrayals of being crazy pants, and vampire shows that inevitably go off the rails.