**Please note: this transcript was automatically generated. We're working on going back over this to add speakers' names and clear up misspellings as we have time ... but as we all know, there is precious little of that** Danielle: Piece of paper. Danielle: There he is. Chris: There we go. Chris: I was typing stuff and the thing rang, and it's like, okay, you signed in. Chris: I'm like, no, I didn't yet. Danielle: Okay, you were a piece of paper. Travis: Sorry I was rude and called mid typing. Chris: It happens. Chris: Let's get this first failed audio recording out so it'll work so I can get to the new one. Travis: Yes. Chris: Can record. Chris: Try again. Chris: All right. Chris: Every time it does that. Chris: And it's always the second one that I need for some reason. Chris: I don't know. Travis: Hello, and welcome back to Rtfb. Travis: This is Travis, and if you felt like today was a special day, then you are 100% g****** right. Travis: Yes, today, March 31, 2023, we are celebrating the third anniversary of our little podcast, which was actually back in July of 2022, but we're celebrating it now because, A, our first season of this year is getting ready to premiere pretty soon, and B, the calendar isn't my real dad, and it can't tell me what to do. Travis: Anyway, I want to get to the meat of this thing ASAP, but you'll want to listen until the end because we'll have details there about an anniversary giveaway after Chris, other Chris. Travis: Danielle and I have gone through our performance reviews for this year, so let's get right to it. Other Chris: I can't tell if this is a mustache hair or it's totally nose hair. Chris: You should name it. Chris: I don't know. Other Chris: I should name it. Chris: When I was in high school, one of my friends who's a little strange, when I didn't really have any facial hair, I had this one hair that would, like, grow in here, and I didn't know it was there because it was like, that f****** super fine blonde hair. Chris: But James would see it and he named it Walter. Chris: So I'm like, I don't know, Walter. Chris: Then I started shaving, and Walter never returned. Danielle: Oh, no. Danielle: Walter. Chris: Yeah. Travis: I permanently have a long nose hair right here. Chris: You can cut, though. Travis: I can cut it and it comes right back. Chris: Yeah, it'll keep doing that. Chris: But you should cut it to keep it under control. Danielle: Yeah, you got to, guys, be trimmed. Danielle: Trimmed up. Travis: I'm going to start braiding it. Other Chris: I usually cut mine, but sometimes you don't for a while. Danielle: Sunday, it's a day of rest. Travis: Right. Travis: Not supposed to light fires or cut nose hairs today. Chris: No, that was yesterday. Travis: Oh, sorry. Chris: So you have no excuse. Travis: Sorry. Chris: That was yesterday. Chris: For the people who came up with the idea. Other Chris: I was busy yesterday. Chris: That's fine. Other Chris: Reading this g****** book. Travis: Well, hey, before we talk about a book, you know what time it is? Chris: Tool Time? Travis: No, sorry, that's a different thing. Travis: It's the end of the year, so it's annual review time, people. Chris: It is somehow annual. Other Chris: Are you going to judge my performance? Travis: I am. Travis: I'm going to measure you and find. Danielle: It done until April. Danielle: So you guys are, like, way ahead. Travis: Actually, we're way behind. Chris: Originally gave me a review with our. Travis: Anniversary, which was in July, but then I'm f****** lazy. Travis: And so our last one didn't come up until this year, so I'm moving it now to the end of the year. Danielle: Reddit told me, Corporate America keep moving it eventually. Chris: I've spent so many hours on Reddit in 2022, it was enough to go to the moon twelve times. Travis: In distance or time? Chris: Time. Chris: Distance. Travis: Okay. Chris: Because it's like, what, like four days to get there. Other Chris: 0.9 trips to the moon or something. Travis: I tried to click on my recap. Chris: Top 1% of Karma Earners this year, so I don't know what that says about me. Travis: Wow, that's impressive. Chris: All I know is I have, like, 30 something thousand karma. Travis: Wow. Chris: At this point, I don't know. Other Chris: I have Internet points. Danielle: I didn't feel like they could count karma like that. Danielle: That's, like, weird. Travis: That's what Reddit does. Chris: It's your likes and stuff. Chris: And if people like you back, it's mostly driven by my likes because I'm on Reddit for hours and I just like all the s*** that I read because Reddit knows me. Chris: It only gives me crap I like. Travis: So there we go, the algorithm. Chris: And I comment a lot, too. Chris: I do comment. Travis: See, I don't do that. Travis: I have very little comment karma. Other Chris: I have posts and posts that get upvoted and s***. Chris: Most of mine don't get very far, but some get I'll get a post that gets several hundred likes a year, but just, like, one. Travis: And don't they then get recommended back to you? Travis: Chris, didn't you say that while you were here you got one of your posts and translations got recommended to you? Other Chris: One of them did, yeah. Other Chris: They're like, hey, check out what's happening in this board that you follow. Other Chris: And it was my post. Danielle: Wow, that's news to me. Chris: That's cool. Travis: Wow. Travis: It's pretty great. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Well, Chris Ham is in the top 1% of Karma Earners, like, in our spotify recap. Travis: We're in the top 5% of content minutes produced in the art category. Chris: Nice. Travis: Not listens or s*** long. Travis: We sure talk about stuff for a long a** time. Other Chris: Yeah, we make a lot of s***. Chris: In the long run. Chris: That might be to our detriment for going viral, but I hope not. Travis: No. Travis: Hour and a half long things don't go viral. Other Chris: There's a lot to clip if someone took all of the s*** we said and condensed it down to, like, a tight hour. Travis: Yeah. Travis: The sad thing is, I already do condense a lot of the s*** we say to tighten it and it's still, like, 2 hours long. Danielle: We say a lot of words. Travis: Someone who's more judicious about cutting up bullshit could get it down to an hour. Chris: Yeah, but I can't. Other Chris: We need whoever does, like, RT or those Btubers. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: Go through our 90 hours of content. Travis: Pull out the gold. Danielle: We need, like, Ryan's Toy review to help us out because they're making, like, millions and we aren't. Danielle: And it doesn't make any sense. Chris: I know. Travis: We just need to get a lot. Danielle: Oh, my God. Danielle: His mom. Danielle: I hear her voice across the house, and it like, gets me in my spine. Other Chris: So it's like she's your mom, too. Danielle: She's like she's got, like, the worst, like, most annoying voice. Danielle: But she's like a millionaire. Danielle: So I guess she's doing something right. Travis: Yeah, apparently. Chris: Well, letting your kid do YouTube videos. Travis: It'S child labor, you guys. Travis: Like, it shouldn't be allowed if you're earning money off of your content. Travis: That's child labor. Travis: And he should not should be in prison. Travis: I'm just saying send the kid to prison. Travis: Yes. Travis: And the parents. Danielle: I feel like Ryan's dad is also more interested in doing the fun things in the video than Ryan is. Travis: Long ago, he became more interested in the Thomas the Train stuff than Ryan's. Danielle: Like, okay. Chris: Yeah. Danielle: I'm moving on, dad. Travis: So, anyway yeah, to refresh your memory for year three, these are the books we read. Chris: Okay. Travis: Read October Dune. Travis: Last year's Christmas movie. Travis: The Christmas contest. Chris: That was s*****. Travis: Was really s*****. Travis: Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Travis: Death on the Nile valerian and then Dracula. Danielle: What happens in Red October? Chris: There's a lot of sequences here. Other Chris: Yeah, we did. Danielle: I watched that one. Travis: Yes, absolutely. Travis: Watch that. Travis: It was a while ago. Travis: That was first thing we did. Danielle: Yes. Danielle: Okay. Travis: At least one. Danielle: And I didn't hate either. Travis: Sam Neil was going to move to Montana or whatever. Chris: Yes. Travis: Or Wyoming. Travis: All right, we're going to go through our usual prompts. Travis: I'm going to start with Danielle and then Chris, and then other Chris, and then Ray. Other Chris: I get time to think. Travis: You get a second to think. Travis: So, Daniel, remember all those books? Travis: Right. Danielle: I guess I do now. Danielle: Well, the movies I didn't read the books right. Travis: Well, some of the books you read. Danielle: Is this the Christmas one? Travis: You read the Christmas ones. Travis: What made you laugh the most this year? Danielle: Can I refresh my memory on these books? Travis: Yeah, there they are. Travis: I'll even open them over here so. Danielle: You can what made me laugh? Danielle: Laughed. Travis: Laughed the most. Travis: The most. Travis: See, there's Red October and Dune Christmas contest. Danielle: Like, I don't know. Danielle: Dracula was pretty funny. Travis: Dracula was very funny. Danielle: Dracula is pretty funny. Travis: Yeah. Travis: In particular. Danielle: Just, like, all of it. Danielle: The Dracula who was, like, shapeshifter like, this is weird. Travis: He thought it was really hilarious when he was banging that lady out in the heat. Danielle: Totally. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Anyway, so vampires and movies are cool. Travis: Daniel, how'd you like this movie? Danielle: I mean, it was fine. Danielle: It was weird. Travis: It was fine. Danielle: But it was fine. Danielle: Especially because I had, like, movie popcorn that I was eating while watching. Danielle: It perfect. Travis: I've ever heard someone just describe. Travis: It was okay. Danielle: This particular movie, I mean, it was totally weird. Danielle: So strange. Danielle: But I wasn't mad at it, but I had the popcorn, so that probably helped. Chris: There we go. Chris: That's a win in my book. Travis: Yeah, hand her some popcorn, she's happy. Danielle: I mean, I like Keanu Reeves. Travis: Yeah. Danielle: I like winona writer. Travis: Yeah. Danielle: I liked basically all the people in there and I thought that the guy that was playing the vampire, Gary Oldman, who it was, he looked like Johnny Depp, like now. Danielle: So it was like, tripping me up. Danielle: I'm like is Johnny Depp in this movie? Danielle: Like, no, that was so long ago. Chris: He is totally the star. Danielle: I'm in this movie, too. Danielle: I'm old. Travis: Yeah, okay, fair enough. Travis: Chris, same question. Chris: So for reading stuff, I mean, most of the ones we read aren't funny. Chris: Yeah, that's true. Chris: But we had some really good discussions talking about some of those jokes in Valerian that Laurelene would give about her usefulness as a woman. Chris: Yeah, because kind of like throwing it back at Valerian for being a little misogynist there in the future. Chris: Then I got into suburban New York. Chris: She was like, it took me one day to understand what's going on, two days to locate you, and for the right time. Chris: And then here we are just talking, like in this apartment I found in Greenwich. Other Chris: Solving problems. Travis: Solving problems. Other Chris: Getting it done. Travis: Yeah. Chris: She even brings up dinner for Valerian. Other Chris: Yeah, we got some food. Chris: Here we go. Other Chris: Yeah, that was another tick. Other Chris: Was like, oh, yeah, that's why they keep us around, because we can cook. Other Chris: And it's like all this just canned food. Chris: See how elegantly these tins were opened? Chris: So that was fun. Chris: We had a lot of enjoyment. Chris: And then her whole because I was rereading it, like looking at some of our content that we talked about of. Chris: Yeah. Chris: So I borrowed the president's plane from Brazil and I landed it, and instead no, she crashed it. Chris: It is a pile of burning debris. Chris: So that was pretty funny. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: I'm sorry, I'm going to continue on that one. Travis: Take notes. Other Chris: Talking about talking about books. Other Chris: I like that as exactly the moment I had in mind. Other Chris: Was that why are you taking a note? Other Chris: Like her talking about yes, she borrowed the plane, but then all of the dudes in army uniforms, like, shooting at her while she's flying off. Chris: Yeah. Chris: She's like, I just politely borrowed this plane. Chris: Yeah. Chris: And then nobody had a problem. Other Chris: She snatched it in the suburbs where it's like a flaming rat in the background. Chris: Yeah, that was pretty good. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: Sorry, I didn't mean to give you the finger. Travis: I'm taking notes for it when I edit this later because I have to pull clips of this. Travis: So sorry. Travis: Anyway, go ahead. Other Chris: Movie wise. Other Chris: Just Keanu Reeves accent. Chris: Yeah, he tried his best. Chris: I think maybe he could do it now if he had to redo the role, but then he couldn't play Harker because he's not young. Travis: Yeah, I think we suggested that, too. Travis: Go back and remake it with him as Van Helsing. Chris: Just do everybody and have him play the same characters again. Chris: They're all just older. Travis: Except for Keanu Reeves is the same age. Chris: I know. Chris: You look on the edges. Chris: He's a little bit older. Travis: Okay, well, I've he's probably too busy. Chris: Making John Wick sequels and finales and s***. Travis: Probably true. Travis: Probably true. Travis: Yeah, you would think I would have thought about this while I was writing the list, but I didn't. Travis: I mean, again, book things like the thing that made me laugh the most while reading it. Travis: I mean, aside from Valerian, was Van Helsing, like, passionately asking if you could decapitate that guy's wife? Travis: Yeah, that's pretty and Jonathan just in general, being very clueless about what's going on in Transylvania. Travis: There's really, like, kind of three main storylines in this first section. Travis: And so it's like Jonathan and Dracula and Dr. Travis: Seaward and Renfield and then Dr. Travis: Seaward and Mina and Lucy and all their s*** going on. Travis: But Jonathan's was the part I liked the most with the benefit of me knowing what's happening in this book. Travis: He's the dumbest guy. Travis: Every time I meet these locals, they're, like, crossing themselves and giving me religious trinkets. Travis: Like, what the h***? Chris: Well, he doesn't know. Other Chris: I think he treats it the same way I would, which is like, oh, these superstitious f****** idiots. Chris: He does. Chris: That professor brought that up. Chris: He is the perfect embodiment of the modern Victorian man who goes to the British Museum to learn about these weird Easterners before departing to Transylvania, the far flung corner of the Austro Hungarian Empire. Other Chris: At least he did that instead of just showing up. Travis: He did. Chris: Yeah, you're right there. Other Chris: But at least he brought, like, a book. Other Chris: But he does definitely like a dictionary. Other Chris: At least. Other Chris: Like, he's trying to speak German to. Travis: People because that was one of the. Chris: Languages the Empire would speak. Chris: You would think. Other Chris: But he's not just showing up and yelling at everybody in English. Chris: No, but he does come with that mindset of, oh, look at these superstitious peasants. Chris: We in the west are like we in, like, Budapest or in Vienna and in London clearly know better. Chris: We're the epitome of the modern Western people. Chris: We surpass this, but all these colorful yokels haven't. Chris: So I will look upon them favorably as those who don't know, but I do know. Other Chris: Until s*** goes down. Chris: And then he's like, that lady, they were onto something. Other Chris: So nice to give you this. Chris: Yes. Travis: Good thing. Travis: It's weird, all these people offering me religious trinkets and stuff, but they're just superstitious. Travis: Yeah, true. Chris: It's like, for a good reason, because they live with a vampire in their midst for, like, 800 years. Travis: They've had to deal with this b******. Other Chris: Right? Travis: Yeah. Travis: Okay, Danielle, what was the most surprising from these books? Travis: What thing surprised you the most about these movies? Danielle: Let me look again. Danielle: Well, first of all. Danielle: What was surprising is that I watched 1 October. Danielle: I actually really liked the Dragon Tattoo and the Valerian movies. Travis: You liked Valerian? Danielle: I did. Travis: That's a surprise to me. Danielle: Yeah, it was funny. Danielle: It was, like, so silly. Travis: It was silly. Danielle: I wasn't interested in falling asleep at all. Danielle: We watched the rest of the sandman. Danielle: That was good. Travis: We got to talk about this movie now. Danielle: Okay. Travis: Sorry. Travis: You're right. Chris: We're 35 minutes in. Chris: We should probably talk about this movie s***. Travis: Anyway, so hey, we saw this movie, right? Travis: We did surprise everybody by telling them what you thought. Danielle: Me? Travis: Yes, you. Danielle: I thought it was okay. Travis: What? Danielle: I liked it. Danielle: I didn't hate it. Danielle: I wasn't mad at it. Danielle: Except for I don't think that Cara de Levine has any type of emotion. Travis: Yeah, we were just talking about it. Chris: We were talking about that because I have it on the fancy Blu rays. Chris: The because I really liked it when I first saw it a few times and I was watching a thing. Chris: Danielle, and she's a total goofball. Chris: Like, super fun and emotional off camera. Chris: Makes people laugh. Chris: But they didn't let her do that in the movie. Other Chris: Yeah. Other Chris: I was saying before, I don't think we were recording when I was talking about this but I absolutely think that the acting would have been fine. Other Chris: It's just the writing and directing in this particular case that failed them. Other Chris: Yeah. Chris: I think they put so much into bringing the world to life and getting the visuals right that they didn't end up writing well for the actors that they picked. Other Chris: Right. Other Chris: Wow. Travis: Yeah. Danielle: So it's like you guys picked some good, better ones this year. Danielle: That didn't annoy me too much. Travis: Good job, us. Chris: Way to go. Chris: Yeah. Danielle: Especially the dragon tattoo one. Danielle: I didn't expect to like that one, but I did. Travis: That one was really good. Travis: Chris, what do you say? Travis: Most surprising thing. Chris: I don't know if quality of the movies, they're all good, but Dune was really awesome. Chris: Spectacular. Chris: As it should have been. Travis: So, anyway, new movie, right? Travis: What did we all think? Chris: It was amazing. Travis: Christmas. Chris: I was just blown away the whole time I was watching it. Chris: I was like, this was worth the wait. Chris: And they better make a f****** second one because I watched it before. Chris: They confirmed that they were yeah, they are. Danielle: But they haven't started filming it yet. Chris: Well, no. Travis: So get ready to wait some more. Danielle: I thought that they had started filming it, but they have not. Chris: That was what Denny venue wanted, to get a good enough one because he wanted to just film it, like, back to back. Chris: So we done. Chris: But they wouldn't let him do that. Travis: Yeah. Chris: And then COVID. Travis: Then COVID. Travis: But Larry and Jihad of its own, right? Travis: Yeah. Chris: I'd seen most of these, except for Dracula, so I already knew they were good to me. Chris: But it's fun watching them again. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Noticing new things now that I've read the source materials. Chris: Like always, that's good. Travis: The general quality of books surprise you because you've been paying attention to the podcast and you're like, what, chose good books? Travis: It's crazy talk. Chris: Sometimes we don't. Travis: Sometimes we don't. Chris: Sometimes we pick one because we're like, well, let's try this, because it's, for whatever reason on the list and it's not good. Danielle: Sometimes we pick one because we're like, oh, this has a movie to go with it for Christmas. Danielle: And then we're like, yeah, but we. Chris: Usually those are the losers. Travis: We know those are going to be. Chris: Sometimes it's other stuff. Chris: And I'm like, no, didn't really care for it. Chris: We did good this year. Travis: Yeah, I think so. Travis: What about you? Travis: Other Chris? Travis: What surprised you the most? Other Chris: So I'm going to counter and I'm going to tell you what surprised me the least. Travis: Okay. Other Chris: And that is cat murder. Travis: Cat murder surprised you the least? Other Chris: Yes. Other Chris: In Dragon Tattoo, as soon as they introduced the cat, I'm like, oh, this cat's dead. Travis: Oh, God. Travis: Was it torment? Chris: Yeah. Travis: German elizabeth, meanwhile, is having problems figuring this guy out. Travis: Like, Blomquist, he seems to respect her as a person. Travis: Weird. Other Chris: So confusing. Travis: And he hasn't once flirted with her? Travis: No, but even though she's terribly skinny, she still is a red blooded woman and has urges and stuff, so she decides she will sleep with him. Travis: My note here is like, he just seems to fall backwards into women. Other Chris: Yeah, he really does. Travis: Always fallen into bed like he's some sort of journalistic James Bond, but he's that lucky. Travis: Pervert. Other Chris: And speaking of James Bond oh, yeah. Chris: That'S what I've been picturing this whole time. Chris: Throughout the book is Daniel. Travis: They mentioned he doesn't have a condom, which I hope doesn't come back later, but okay. Travis: Next morning she's like, I'm going out for milk. Travis: But they find most of the cat on their doorstep and his head on her motorcycle. Travis: And I don't like this book anymore. Chris: Right. Travis: All the murders and stuff were fine, but the cat has been harmed and I'm not cool with that. Chris: Yeah. Chris: And it's the cabin cat, justice for. Travis: Jorvin. Other Chris: Jorvin Jordan Jorvin. Travis: And that's where we were supposed to read through. Chris: Oh, okay. Chris: I can't remember now. Travis: Something with a Jurgen or something. Travis: Poor cat. Travis: I miss him. Travis: He was the coolest. Other Chris: He was. Other Chris: He was so chill. Other Chris: He just hung out. Other Chris: And then he got strewn across a. Travis: Motorcycle as a warning to somebody. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: I don't want to be killed as a warning to somebody else. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: I'm killed for something I did. Chris: I mean, that seems fair if you're. Other Chris: Going to kill me, I mean, do it right. Other Chris: Do it for the right reasons. Travis: Right, exactly. Travis: Make me earn it. Travis: Yeah. Travis: I think for me, I was surprised at how much I liked the comic for Valerian. Travis: I mean, I like comics, but sometimes those old comics are kind of stuffy and not fun. Travis: But it was so fun. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: So much that I bought, like, three more volumes and have read through them. Other Chris: Exactly. Travis: It's really great. Travis: Sorry, go ahead. Other Chris: I was just going to say, definitely reading old comics, one of the things that I find is the art style or the way that they did panel layouts. Other Chris: I know, especially with the influence of manga and everything, it's gotten freer. Other Chris: How they kind of open up, sort of how they do the text and again, how they lay out the panels and everything feels much more different in an old comic. Travis: Absolutely. Other Chris: I didn't really feel as oppressed by that in Valerian because it was so fantastical, I guess. Travis: Right? Travis: Yeah, I agree. Travis: And as a point of reference to that, we were at the comic store yesterday and Levi was really interested in reading the Secret Wars comics because the show is coming up, so he's been looking for it on the shelves and they finally restocked it. Travis: But it's like the one from the original one in what was it? Travis: The he flipped through. Travis: He's like, oh, this looks old. Other Chris: This looks bored. Travis: I mean, it is old, but we found him a newer version of it instead. Travis: But yeah, like those old comics, just sometimes the language choice and the tight little boxes can be impressive. Travis: So yes, I was also pleasantly surprised by that and then also how much I liked the Agatha Christie books that I read for Death on the Nile. Travis: I guess I shouldn't be surprised like that since she's basically only been outsold by the Bible and Shakespeare. Chris: Yeah, right. Chris: With anything that's that old, you're never sure if it's going to connect with you or not. Travis: I agree with that. Travis: And that being my first Quarrel book and Agatha Christie book, it took me a minute to kind of wrap my head around all the different characters because she's, like, firing them out of a shotgun. Travis: Like, here's this person, this person, this person, this person, this person. Travis: What the h***? Other Chris: You need to have a list handy, almost. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: And I end up not remembering who's who and just being like, oh, it's the Communist, or oh, it's the doctor. Travis: Yes, exactly. Travis: Yeah, I get what you're saying. Travis: And I did like that. Travis: It's kind of the offhanded type dismissive, like, wow. Travis: Well, f****** Americans, right? Travis: And actually, this was from Murder and the Oriented Express. Travis: But I really liked the way she wrote the American lady traveling. Travis: She kept going on about, well, my daughter, who's done all this study in Europe, she told me this and this, and I just don't understand why Europeans are so stupid. Danielle: Sounds like an American. Travis: Yeah, she's fully guessing. Travis: I don't know. Travis: Very dry. Travis: Kind of British. Travis: Not backhanded, but, like, stealthy, like polite insults. Chris: Yes, that's okay. Chris: We portray you all as, like, weird buck tooth inbred, so it's all. Travis: Right. Travis: The thing in general, that kind of bothered me, and it's just part of the times. Travis: But the way they would constantly talk about Latin people being like, well, he's probably the murderer because he's Latin. Travis: You know how they're given to flights of anger and whatnot. Chris: I mean, that's what people thought back then. Travis: Yeah, it's just the times. Chris: It is. Chris: And it does help with the setting, honestly, because that's what kind of non, really good detectives and people would leap to. Chris: They wouldn't see the other we still do that. Chris: Yeah, we do. Chris: We just don't always make it Latin peoples anymore. Travis: We just group them under immigrants, unfortunately. Travis: Yes. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Both the books and the movies. Travis: I was way more into than I expected, so cool. Travis: Count those. Travis: All right, Danielle, either on the show or extracurricular. Travis: What's the best thing you read this year? Danielle: What have I even read this year? Travis: Have you read anything this year? Danielle: All I ever read is the romance novels, and I can't even tell you what they're called because they're all the same. Danielle: I read one and I was like, that was pretty cool. Travis: Didn't you reread bridgerton four recently? Danielle: Yeah, I reread the fourth one. Danielle: That one's good. Danielle: I did that on part of the trip. Danielle: But I also read another one by another author I like, and I can't even remember who that was, but it's all good. Danielle: Not this book we're going to talk about. Danielle: That was not my favorite. Danielle: Yeah, no, not this one. Danielle: All the other ones, except for this one. Travis: Fair enough. Danielle: Because the books that I read, the romance novels, are written by women, and they do it better. Travis: Now, see, me personally as a man, I wouldn't take that disrespect well, you're. Chris: Going to have to write a romance. Danielle: You all don't write it right. Travis: I can write a romance novel as good as Richard Paul Evans. Travis: I'm throwing it out there. Danielle: You don't write romance novels. Danielle: Right. Travis: But we'll talk about that in a minute. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: Chris, best thing you read, either for the show or otherwise. Chris: Well, I'm not quite done with it yet, but it's still cloud cuckoo land. Chris: Yeah, I only got a few couple hours left on the audiobook for that nice. Chris: It's pretty good. Chris: It's really good. Chris: I liked it a lot. Travis: Yeah. Travis: I have queued that up to listen to on audio next. Travis: Nice. Travis: Cool. Travis: What do you say, other Chris? Other Chris: So I think probably manga. Other Chris: Oyasumi boom boom. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: I don't remember if I brought it up on here before or not. Travis: You did. Other Chris: I did. Chris: Okay. Other Chris: Well, then I guess I don't need to talk about it again. Travis: Everyone already knows what you're talking about. Chris: Jesus. Chris: Yes. Other Chris: Everyone listens to every episode, and they will definitely remember when I talked about this before. Travis: Well, it's conveniently, I think, on our web page. Travis: If you go to the what else is good? Other Chris: Well, there you go. Travis: Or maybe not. Travis: Looking at it right now. Travis: It will be by the time this comes out. Chris: There we go. Chris: Perfect. Travis: I think they didn't have it on bookshop.org, is why. Travis: I see I'll have to put a different link on there. Travis: Anyway. Travis: Yeah. Travis: We were at Kinokunya the other day, and I was like, I should look to see if they have that one he needs. Travis: But then I didn't remember what it was. Travis: We didn't have time to stop and look through it, but next time oh, yeah, here it is right there. Travis: Good night, poon poon. Travis: Yeah, but only volume three. Travis: They didn't have the other ones. Other Chris: Okay. Other Chris: Yeah, I needed volume one still in. Travis: Japanese in the nihong nihongo. Travis: Okay. Travis: I will try to remember that. Travis: Okay. Travis: Yeah. Travis: I think for me, the favorite book that I read was probably Dune for the show, just because rarely am I inspired to go out and immediately read the other ones. Chris: Right. Chris: Like you did. Travis: And I haven't read all of them yet, but I did read but you got one right after. Travis: And there's, right there on my shelf trying to think personally what the best thing I read was. Travis: I really liked An Order to Live, which I finally finished on the plane ride back from Knoxville. Chris: Yeah. Travis: I was still continually surprised by how impactful and effective propaganda is if you're born in it. Other Chris: Yes. Travis: She talked about how up until she was in South Korea and going to college, that she finally started to think, well, maybe Kim Jong Il doesn't control the weather. Travis: That was probably made up. Chris: Yeah, that is probably made up. Travis: And then I guess from Manga, I've really enjoyed both Spy Family and Chainsaw man. Other Chris: Okay, cool. Travis: Those have been pretty good. Travis: Anyway, so the whole point of the annual review is our goals. Travis: Right. Travis: So, Danielle, your goals from last year, your goal was to I think you. Danielle: Should pick s*** that I like. Danielle: But I will try to have a. Travis: More open mind that's good and nebulous. Danielle: So I'll try from, like I can't guarantee I'm going to even like these movies that you make me watch, but I'll try from the start not to be like, as soon as you tell me what book it is. Chris: Okay, I appreciate that. Travis: And I'm going to give you an A on that because you did watch all these movies with minimal complaints. Danielle: Yeah, I did. Travis: Yeah. Travis: So good job. Travis: Very good. Travis: Your other exceeds exceeds expectations. Danielle: Perfect. Travis: Your other goal was get a new picture with you in it, and we get an F for that. Danielle: Yeah, that was all you guys. Travis: I mean, we got close. Travis: We had three of the four people together multiple times, but never all four. Chris: Yeah, we'll have to work on that. Travis: So that's on me, probably. Travis: Tell you what, I'll edit you into the one we have. Chris: And make it. Travis: The COVID for this one. Other Chris: We're in a little oval in the. Travis: COVID I'll put you in a picture in the background, like Haunted Mansion. Travis: Picture. Other Chris: Yeah, I was going to say, like a ghostly hand on the shoulder. Travis: She's riding home with us in the car. Travis: Or as a force ghost just kind of nodding in the background. Travis: So that averages out to a C, so not bad. Travis: Pretty good. Travis: Not bad. Travis: What's your goal for next year? Danielle: I'm just going to go with the. Travis: Same no, I'm sorry. Travis: You have to have new goals or else you're not evolving in your position. Danielle: I don't that's the thing. Travis: Oh, that's it. Chris: I don't my goals are the same. Travis: All right. Travis: Okay. Travis: All right. Travis: Chris, your goal from last year was. Chris: Finish books that aren't part of our podcast. Chris: That's a good yeah. Danielle: But also finish the books for the podcast. Chris: Oh, definitely. Travis: That should be 80% of them. Travis: You can come in strong in the beginning of the discussion or at least. Danielle: Make sure there's, like, a page on Wikipedia that can tell you the plot. Danielle: Abbreviated form. Travis: How did you do, considering you're still. Chris: Working on traditionally no, I don't finish books. Travis: Yeah. Chris: I finished the ones we read, so there's that. Chris: That is for this one. Travis: But your excuse, because you're Jewish, you don't have to read Christmas books because you're Jewish. Chris: Thank you. Chris: I appreciate that. Chris: But otherwise no. Chris: I'm close to finishing a few that I started, but I didn't. Travis: Okay. Chris: Well, I'll succeed. Chris: I'll give you okay. Travis: C minus. Chris: I'll take that. Travis: What's your goal for this year? Chris: To finish the books that started last year. Danielle: Oh, God d*** it. Chris: And I got to come visit you in Texas. Travis: I will take that. Other Chris: It's going to be the same goal every year, isn't it? Chris: Unfortunately. Travis: Most likely next year in Jerusalem. Chris: It is. Chris: Thankfully. Chris: I usually remember where I'm at in a book after I read a few pages. Travis: That's not nothing. Chris: Or listen to a few. Chris: So that's cool because that could be, like, three years from now, and I'm like, oh, yeah, okay, I got it. Chris: But there's a lot of books on my shelves, Danielle, that have never been finished and will remain unfinished. Travis: That's still fine. Danielle: You should just read the last couple of pages first and then go back to the beginning, and if you don't finish it, you at least know how it ends. Chris: I used to do that, and then people bitched at me about it, so I stopped doing that. Danielle: You do you man, who cares what other people think? Travis: Exactly. Chris: F*** those guys. Chris: Yeah, f*** those guys. Other Chris: I'm traveling. Travis: Other chris, your goal was actually dependent on someone else. Other Chris: Yeah, I think I said it kind of as a joke, but I really do mean it. Other Chris: Like, I think we should continue to do stuff that makes Danielle angry or indigenous. Travis: I totally agree. Chris: I mean, the chances are good that we probably will. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: I'm 100% sure that this current book is going to make her angry. Other Chris: Oh, man. Travis: Giving him an F. Travis: Any of these, even the Christmas contest? Travis: No, I guess. Other Chris: All right, F. Other Chris: Did I pick any? Other Chris: I feel like everything was, like, voted. Chris: On all of them. Other Chris: Yeah, it was mostly just me saying, like, yeah, that's cool. Chris: I think so. Chris: Yeah. Other Chris: I totally am in dereliction of my duty here. Danielle: Sorry. Other Chris: I did not do a good job. Chris: Right. Travis: You'll be getting a demotion this year. Other Chris: All right, well, I have to start thinking about this today. Danielle: The closest that I think you came was Dune, just because I thought it. Travis: Was kind of boring and long again. Travis: We all kind of said we should do that. Chris: Yeah, that was a good choice, coming. Travis: Out, and we could all watch it. Danielle: I feel like the next one will be better. Danielle: That one was, like, getting you ready for stuff, and I'm like, Why is this a million hours long? Chris: You should suggest to us, like, Starship Troopers or something. Travis: Just wait. Chris: We could do Starship Troopers. Chris: That could be on the list. Travis: I do like that movie. Danielle: Would I hate that one. Chris: I don't know. Other Chris: It really depends on if you get it, I guess. Chris: Yeah, I do have the book, and I like the movie. Travis: Hey, that's not nothing. Chris: I got one of those fancy Barnes and Noble editions with the hardback with two stories. Chris: I've got Stranger in a Strange Land in there, along with Starship Troopers, so it's pretty nice. Chris: The hein line little collection. Other Chris: Stranger in a strange land is fantastic. Chris: It is. Chris: I wish it had a movie. Other Chris: I don't know how they would make it. Chris: Well, I don't either. Chris: I never finished it in the parts. Chris: I did read of it in college. Chris: I'm like, this is phenomenal. Chris: I wish they had a movie, but I know why they don't. Other Chris: It gets more and more insane. Travis: Yes. Travis: Continually. Travis: Continually. Travis: Continually. Travis: So is your goal the same for next year? Travis: Like, really pick something that Daniel hates. Other Chris: Yeah, and I'm I'm gonna try and get it out of the way early. Travis: Okay. Danielle: Do your worst. Travis: Is that three body problem adaption ready yet or adaptation ready yet? Other Chris: Oh, my God. Other Chris: You know what? Travis: I heard it was coming. Chris: It's coming at some point. Chris: The Kind show is coming out on the 13th. Other Chris: On who? Other Chris: I am super excited about that one, by the way. Travis: Kindred or a three body problem? Chris: Three body problem. Other Chris: Oh, good. Chris: Kindred good. Chris: I was telling Brittany about it. Chris: She's like, cool. Chris: What's that? Chris: I'm like, so Octavia e Butler was awesome. Chris: She died the same year my mom died. Chris: She was a year older than my mom, and she wrote all these great books that are just now finally getting appreciated and turned into things. Chris: So this being the first one is a major adaptation. Travis: Nice. Travis: Should we do that next? Chris: We could. Travis: God, I've got a copy of it. Danielle: I don't know. Chris: Is Daniel going to hate it? Other Chris: You know what? Other Chris: It's going to make you uncomfortable. Other Chris: It will make you what's it called. Chris: By Octavia Butler. Other Chris: Nobody you know, probably, but I got. Travis: To Google it now. Other Chris: Oh, my God, I almost want to tell you not to. Chris: Just read the basic deets. Chris: Don't read anything else. Other Chris: Yes, exactly. Chris: Don't read any plot outline or anything on Hulu. Travis: On Hulu. Chris: It drops in a couple of days. Chris: I can hold off on watching it until I read the book. Other Chris: Read a one sentence synopsis and nothing else. Other Chris: Don't read a plot outline or anything. Danielle: Time travel. Travis: Okay, that's it. Danielle: Modeled on slave name. Travis: Okay, that's it. Danielle: Okay. Chris: That's all you need to know. Danielle: All right, let's do it. Travis: We've decided. Chris: All right. Chris: So kindred will be next. Travis: Okay. Travis: And Daniel, you have to hate it or else he's going to get another emotion next year. Chris: No, he'll just have to pick something else and we'll see. Other Chris: Oh, my God. Other Chris: Am I going to have to pick every f****** thing this year? Chris: No, because I've already suggested Starship Troopers for one of our projects. Chris: So there's another suggestion. Travis: God d*** it. Travis: I do love that movie, though. Chris: The movie is really good. Chris: Great commentary on its own. Travis: Yes. Travis: So for my goal last year was I'm going to say no one gets stitching your at least one show with 50 downloads. Danielle: Okay. Travis: That'll be my goal. Travis: At least a good one. Other Chris: How do we do? Travis: I don't know. Travis: I was looking at the analytics and the thing is that not everyone listens to us in the same place. Other Chris: Right. Chris: You can make it cumulative. Travis: I think you can make it cumulative. Chris: You can count it cumulative to get 50. Travis: Yeah. Travis: So if I'm looking at actually, I should probably change this from all time to like this year. Chris: I mean, I'd just kind of be happy if we got like 20 listens on an episode. Travis: So on Google for all time, we have 46 plays. Chris: Oh, almost there. Travis: Which that's me, but on Apple podcasts, where I think most of the people who actually listen, listen to us. Travis: 648 plays. Other Chris: Really? Travis: Not of a single episode, but altogether. Travis: And I'm really I'm gonna count it. Travis: Yes. Chris: Wow. Travis: Yes. Other Chris: On average. Other Chris: What does that work out to? Travis: I don't know that answer off the top of my head. Travis: We've got what I'm impressed with us. Chris: I think should be a lot lower. Danielle: Who's listening? Chris: We don't know. Travis: Well, not you. Danielle: Wait, we've never been able to figure it out. Travis: I was waiting to see Zambia as the top country, but no. Chris: United States one time. Danielle: What? Travis: United States? Travis: We're just the top in Zambia. Travis: It's not the top of our list or whatever. Danielle: The top city is Dallas. Travis: Yes. Chris: Well, that's not surprising. Other Chris: That makes sense because you actually distribute s*** around there. Travis: Yes. Travis: It's actually the only one we've got. Travis: That's our main enough numbers in. Chris: Right. Chris: Our main market is Dallas. Danielle: What is that? Danielle: Elk place? Travis: The sock. Danielle: Oh, it's got nothing there. Chris: We can go all in on Dallas then. Chris: And go to, like, some little show up and set up a table. Travis: Places and yeah, there you go. Chris: They have an excuse for us to come visit more often. Travis: Hit the threshold to display an actual number. Travis: But there's a value there. Travis: So at least one person in Lusaka has listened to us. Travis: One person in London. Travis: Here's one. Chris: Sharon uses a VPN. Chris: I don't know. Travis: That's got to be her. Other Chris: Probably Sharon listens on the spotify, I think. Travis: I hadn't even checked Spotify yet. Chris: A lot of people do podcasts on Spotify these days. Chris: Apple podcasts and Spotify. Chris: Mine I listen to on an aggregator. Other Chris: She does listen on the podcast app. Chris: Yeah, obviously I use a podcast app. Travis: How do I go to my stats all times? Danielle: Start. Travis: Oh, see, look. Travis: Two streams. Travis: Two streams in the last seven days. Chris: Oh, in seven days. Chris: Okay. Chris: That's not bad for us. Danielle: There's 90 starts all time. Chris: All right, I'll take it. Chris: We are hard to finish. Other Chris: People are annoying. Chris: 48 streams. Travis: So see, we almost beat it. Danielle: 24 listeners. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Apparently people we don't know. Travis: We have ten followers. Chris: Thank you, followers. Travis: Yeah, thank you. Travis: People who accidentally clicked on this. Other Chris: Hey, they were looking for that other Rtfb podcast. Chris: Probably remember we talked with them on, like, Twitter or something. Travis: Did we? Chris: I thought you did. Travis: We've talked on Twitter because podcast for a minute. Chris: Because of SEQUEST. Travis: Yeah, there was one who's trying to bring back SEQUEST. Chris: Yeah. Travis: And found that in our stream or Tweet. Chris: Okay. Travis: And we talked to one that's going through every episode of Everwood. Travis: So we get the revival podcast on our Twitter. Chris: That's fine. Travis: I do know that our artists on our Spotify, our followers, are also listening to the Civil Wars average Levine. Chris: Very nice. Travis: One Republic. Chris: I have seen Aver Levine in concert. Chris: I can say that it was a long time ago now. Chris: 2020 years in the spring have had. Travis: One person listen from Belgium. Danielle: Hey. Danielle: Out there in Belgium. Travis: Hey. Chris: You should listen to us again, please. Travis: Hercule problem. Danielle: I like your chocolate there. Travis: I say if I make it to. Chris: Luxembourg, I'll be able to visit you easily. Chris: Belgium. Chris: There we go. Travis: Just think of that. Chris: Grow our Belgian audience. Chris: Even French. Travis: An A plus and a raise. Travis: Sorry, guys. Travis: The nine goes to me this year. Chris: Only one with an A. Travis: I'm going to split the $30 from shop amongst myself. Chris: Is that what the prize was? Travis: Yes. Danielle: Sorry about everyone else. Travis: Sorry. Danielle: And I'm married to him, so I get it, too. Travis: Yeah. Travis: I also had a goal of giving away the rest of our pins, but then I'm real lazy, so I didn't do that. Travis: So I guess drop me down to it again. Chris: We should find an event we can put a table up at and we should all go do that. Chris: And then you can give away the pins there. Danielle: Just go to a crowded event and throw them in the air. Travis: That qualifies as assault. Chris: But here's our pin and our Flyer podcast. Other Chris: You reverse pickpocket. Chris: Yeah, just put it in there. Chris: Spiral market purses. Travis: Yeah. Travis: I'm going to roll that goal over. Travis: Also, since I guess this is what we're doing, we roll over goals. Travis: Just roll it over. Other Chris: Well, I mean, that's what I do at work. Travis: That's right. Travis: Not quite finished. Travis: I'll do it next year. Danielle: I don't even set goals for my work. Travis: That's true. Danielle: And nobody says anything, so there we go. Travis: Yeah, it doesn't matter. Travis: Giveaways. Chris: It's all just s***. Travis: Talking about each other doing a giveaway when this episode comes out next year, more details then. Danielle: Why don't you give away that book? Danielle: We don't need it in this house. Chris: Try to give it to the person. Chris: Zambia or Belgium. Travis: I'm sending it to Belgium. Danielle: Yes, Belgium. Danielle: You're getting a book. Chris: Belgium. Chris: Let us know. Travis: I'm sorry you can't see this because of the podcast, but here it is. Chris: I'm so sorry, but it's coming to you now. Danielle: It's your problem, right? Travis: God d*** it, guys. Travis: Three years plus some months. Chris: Yeah. Travis: What the h***? Travis: Okay, that was the session for today. Travis: I hope you enjoyed reminiscing as much as I did, and thank you for listening. Travis: For real. Travis: I hope it's abundantly evident that we aren't doing this to gin up a bunch of advertisers. Travis: Oh, with the exception of viking Cruises, Viking Cruise ad, people call me. Travis: No, we're doing it because it's fun. Travis: And I love talking to the Chris's end of my wife. Travis: And at least for me, this all makes me feel a little less alone. Travis: And if we can share that feeling with you out there, even a little bit, then honestly, we're beyond thrilled. Travis: So, yes, thanks to you, and thanks to Chris and other Chris and Danielle and the good people of Zambia, I'll meet you all back here to celebrate year four. Travis: All right, if you were fast forwarding to the giveaway part, this is where you should stop and listen. Travis: I'll even say giveaway a couple more times to give you a better chance of landing on it. Travis: Giveaway. Travis: Giveaway. Travis: The giveaway. Travis: All right, by the time this episode is posted, our website, Rtfbppod.com, will have a link to a giveaway to celebrate three years. Travis: We're giving away at least $150 gift card to bookshop.org, at least two limited edition Rtfb branded notebooks which are not available for sale anywhere at all, and as many Rtfb enamel pins as we have on hand. Travis: Or that. Travis: The giveaway caps me at whichever is lower. Travis: And we're announcing all this here first and won't say anything about it on social media until Monday at the earliest. Travis: So you're getting the whole weekend as a head start to put in all the secret words that we've been giving you over the year and whatnot to get extra entries. Travis: So get to it, folks, and good luck. Travis: This year of Rtfb was brought to you by late night tea. Travis: Acoustic covers of pop songs, video game and movie soundtracks. Travis: Medicinal marijuana where available. Travis: Ancient coins and with the utmost thanks to Chris. Travis: Chris Hamm. Travis: Chris Other. Travis: Chris Jacobson. Travis: Danielle neither Chris Rowe. Travis: And I was here, too. Travis: Until next time. Travis: Keep f****** reading. Danielle: He's like, no, we're going to make these pancakes. Other Chris: Yeah. Chris: Hi, Ethel. Danielle: That's not Ethel. Chris: You're right. Travis: I'm lucky for you she can't hear. Chris: You, or she'd be so you're right. Chris: I'm sorry. Chris: I'm going to go now. Chris: Bye. Travis: You're off the show? Chris: Yes, I'm done. Chris: That's ends my career. Chris: Thank you, everybody. Chris: It was great. Chris: Run. Travis: That's your review, miss named a cat a microphone. Chris: What are you doing? Danielle: She said this bed smells weird. Travis: Yeah. Chris: She's like, I got to so it. Travis: Smells like other people.