**Please note: this transcript was automatically generated. We're working on going back over this to clear up misspellings as we have time ... but as we all know, there is precious little of that** Danielle: Dune part two is still out in theaters Chris: No, that destroys them for the future. Other Chris: Uh, so you, you ever, like, you ever get, like, really mad? You ever get pissed off and then you're, like, like, frustrated because you look around the room and you're like, God, I want to break, but it's all my stuff. Chris: Yeah, that happens. Other Chris: Like, I can't. It is so, like, emasculating, disempowering, whatever you want to. Like, uh, uh. Like, I just. I just want to smash. Travis: That's why you need one of these japanese races. Other Chris: But then, then everything is like, ah. Uh, but I want that. I don't want to break that. Chris: Yeah, exactly. M. Danielle: Hello, and welcome back to RTFB. This is Danielle. And today, Chris other Chris, Travis, and I are talking about Dune part two. Well, they are talking about it, and I'm gonna chime in every once in a while and tell them they are stupid for spending so much time talking about a popcorn bucket, regardless of what it's shaped like. As of this recording, Dune part two is still out in theater. So if you want to go into this spoiler free, then you still have time to run out and see it. And in case you were wondering, if you haven't seen part one, part two probably isn't gonna make a lot of sense, so don't be stupid. Go see both. Or don't. I think they are both super boring. Chris: The chinese government will relinquish its fold over the app Anyway, when you're ready, let's get back into this chat with the Chris is already in progress. Travis: Congratulations. Other Chris: No, you better hope she doesn't hear this, because we're gonna. Chris: Yeah, I really don't think she should. Travis: Well, tell her to stop listening when we talk about fucking a popcorn bucket. Other Chris: Uh, yeah, she will. She will lose all respect. Chris: I don't know that she would, but it just kind of highlights the fact that she's 15. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Very dramatically different. Other Chris: Yeah, that's true. Ain't no Snapchats, and the tick tock. Travis: Ain'T, uh, no 15 year old. Listen into this. Chris: No, thank God they know it's not. Travis: For you kids, if you're 15, sign off now. Other Chris: Yeah, it's not if you're 15. Um, I'm sorry. For the rest of your life if you're listening to this, I'm so sorry. Chris: That, too. Other Chris: It's about nobody will ever understand you, and I'm sorry. Travis: It's about to get real tough. Bro. Chris: Yeah. Travis: Or girl bro. Other Chris: Yeah, exactly. Travis: Yeah, m. Yeah. Chris: They all use bro. So I guess it's. Travis: Wait, first post about us on your Snapchats, then sign. Other Chris: Uh, yeah. Yeah, exactly. I would tell your tell your 15 year old friends about us. Chris: Yeah, I wouldn't say for her to put on. Other Chris: We need lists. Chris: Like, that's going away, so. Travis: No, it's just gonna get moved to a different shell company or whatever. Chris: I don't know. Other Chris: Yeah, we're just. We're gonna get vines back. That's what I plan. Chris: But, like, I don't know. The chinese government will relinquish its fold over the app, so we'll find out. Travis: Well, someone needs to quickly steal, uh, the code and make their own TikTok. Chris: Uh, all that has to happen. Other Chris: That's what. That's what China did, implementing the steal. Chris: It back code in its algorithm to do the same crap you can do with Instagram on TikTok. Tick tock ticket. That's what's going to happen. There's already a lot of cross posts between TikTok and Instagram, so. Travis: Yeah, I. Oh, my God. Other Chris: Well, at least. At least the us government didn't ban Pornhub. Travis: Oh, wait a minute. Other Chris: Yeah. Chris: Uh, I mean, they didn't states. Travis: They didn't actually ban it. They just wanted you to have sign ins, and they're like, fuck you guys. Chris: Yeah. I mean, that companies don't want to do that. I don't blame them, because then you have to basically swipe your id. Yeah. And they don't want to be responsible for safely securing that data. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: It's. Chris: Given that private companies can't. I don't blame them. Other Chris: It's effectively banning it. Chris: Yes. Other Chris: Which is amazing. Like, it's. It's almost like they, I don't know, want people to fuck more. Travis: Hmm. M. And is that what they're trying to do? Other Chris: Have babies that they're not prepared to. Chris: Uh, have more american babies is their thinking. Not immigrant babies, because that would be bad, apparently. Make Americans have kids who don't want them or can't take care of them. That's a solid plan. Other Chris: He's saying that, like, immigrants don't enjoy pornography too. Chris: No, they don't. Didn't you know that they don't? Other Chris: No. Travis: Uh, they only have weird salted meats. M. They don't like pornography. Chris: Yep. Different holidays. That's it. Other Chris: Different holidays. Oh, shit. Travis: They're gonna eat a meat you would never have. They don't need porn. Yeah. Chris: Yeah. I say it's probably time for us to get, like, a NordVPN partnership or something. Get a VPN to get around access restrictions for Texas and North Carolina users Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: Hey, Nord. Nordvpn. Start advertising to all those people in Texas and North Carolina that cannot access. Chris: I don't know, see that's what us, uh, the partners are for. Yeah. Travis: They don't know how to advertise. They gotta pay us to do it. Chris: They don't want to have to do it. Other Chris: I'm doing it right now. Chris: Right, right. Other Chris: Get a VPN to get around access restrictions. Travis: Do it if you're 15 years old. Other Chris: They probably don't want me to say that, but. Chris: Then you can use the original tick tock out of China. Other Chris: Yeah. Chris: So there you go. Other Chris: 15 year olds. Just a. Just a trick. Just a tip from when I was, you know, a lad. Uh, if. If the link says, like, click this. If you're over 18, like, they're not gonna check you. Just click it. Chris: That's what they've been doing. Yeah, that's why they're gigging, trying to get it banned. Because the kids don't follow the rules. Other Chris: Um, yeah, but I mean, talk. Talk to a librarian. You know, like, a librarian. Like. Like, you know, a librarian would never prevent you from checking out a book that you wanted to check out there for free. Chris: Uh, speech. Other Chris: Yeah. Chris: Or maybe somehow the New York Public Library, which has that program for kids that live in states that ban books to give you access to books digitally, will somehow give you access to kitty porn. No, wait. No. Other Chris: Wait a minute. Chris: Wait a minute. Scratch that. Other Chris: Hang on. Chris: Uh, wait. No. Travis: Yeah. If you're a 15 year old librarian, we want to hear from you, so that's. Chris: Yeah, we do. How'd you get that job? Travis: You are allowed to listen to with. Chris: Or without my kids all the time. I'm sorry. You can't get a job yet without parental permission because you're not legally able to sign a contract. Travis: So if you're 15 years old and want to be a librarian, send us the permission slip, and we'll sign it for you. Other Chris: That's right. Travis: We will pretend to be your parent or guardian. Other Chris: I mean, I'll sign anything. Travis: What else am I doing? Other Chris: Oh, sounds good. Travis: Yeah, whatever. Other Chris: Perfect. Travis: This is for what? Okay. Chris: Yeah. Other Chris: What are you legally binding? Blah, blah, blah. Whatever. Chris: Right. Travis: It's probably better if I don't know what this is. Other Chris: Yeah, exactly. Don't read it to me. Don't explain it. Travis: I'll have guilt. Other Chris: Then where do I sign? Travis: Oh, my God. Well, you may have noticed it's just me. Other Chris: It is just you. Travis: Danielle is off in Fort Worth tonight. She's, uh, helping her sister because she's doing a craft show tomorrow. Chris: Oh, my God. Okay. Other Chris: I don't know. Hell hole of Fort Worth. Travis: Yeah. Fucking Fort Worth. Other Chris: Fort Worth. Travis: What are they crafting for Worth. If you're from. If you're 15 in Fort Worth, like, you know what you did? Other Chris: You're nothing. Travis: No. Uh uh. No. I don't know if you've seen her sister posting about those, like, craft wreaths she's been making as like, a side business. Chris: No. Travis: Well, she's making these craft wreaths, okay. My grandma has so many, like, different holiday decorations Other Chris: For funerals. Chris: My mom would have loved that. Travis: No, for just like, holiday decorations and stuff. Chris: My mom like, wreaths for credit, for decorations for different holidays. Other Chris: Like, like with puzzle pieces and. Travis: Yeah, gravel tiles and ribbon and like, easter bunnies and shit. Other Chris: Like pine cones. Chris: Maybe one for every holiday. Travis: Like, uh, like antiquey trucks. Other Chris: Oh, man. My, my grandma has so many, like, different holiday decorations. But I think it's just because, like, all of my aunts are like, oh, what do you need for Chris? Like, have, have some more holiday decorations. It's like, it's like the thing that's safe to give her. And like, I don't, I don't think that she, like. And then those same aunts will show up to her house and decorate for each holiday now. Travis: Wow. Other Chris: So it's like she doesn't even have to, like, lift a finger at this point. Travis: Wow. Chris: There we go. Other Chris: Yeah. Like, the house is done up for every holiday. Travis: They're like holiday elves. They just come in and put shit around. Other Chris: That's what midwestern ants do. Chris: That's what they do. Other Chris: Huh uh, they just show up and decorate your house with, you know, live, laugh, love slogans. Yeah, yeah. Travis: And pine cones and, you know, grandma scented pine cones. Other Chris: Grandmas give cookies to children type slogans. Chris: Yeah, I've been learning in my life. Other Chris: But said in like a, like an entertaining way, a funny way, you know. Chris: Do european holidays, like the wimpy way. Mm mhm hmm. Travis: What's that mean? Chris: I've been learning about, uh, uh, holidays in Luxembourg. Travis: Mm mhm hmm. Chris: And there was one in February where kids went around it one night with, like, lanterns. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Like knocking on doors and singing songs and crap. Other Chris: Yeah, yeah. Chris: And then if you don't give those kids, like, alcohol turnips or something. And then I learned, uh, so when Lent's getting ready to start in Luxembourg, they have a bonfire night. Travis: Mhm. Chris: To chase away winter, and they go and light these big bonfires. Travis: Yeah. Chris: These days traditionally are cross shaped, apparently, so that was kind of weird. Other Chris: Oh, boy. Chris: I'm like, oh, well, you know, cultural difference is. Yeah, they're really big and fat, and they look like a giant flaming thing when it's all lit yeah, yeah. I'm like, that's cool, guys. I didn't know people still did that, did all this stuff. Like, let's do these things. I'm like, I bet it's because Luxembourg was, was gaulish at one time. Um, they were celtic. And a lot of this sounds like celtic things. Travis: Yeah. Chris: So let's have bonfires during season changes and carve lanterns out of turnips and go around to do stuff. Travis: Yeah. Chris: You know, I'm like, they're on the. Travis: Cool side of the thing. Chris: Yeah, yeah. But Americans don't really do any of that, and that's kind of sad. Travis: Yeah. So if we do some things, like Texas, a man used to have that big bonfire every year until a bunch. Chris: Of people got that. Yeah, it's a problem. You make it too big. Travis: Then they made it way too big. Chris: Way too big. Other Chris: Way too big. Travis: Uh, way too big. That's Texas. Other Chris: Yeah. But apparently there's seven, seven story bonfires. Chris: Yeah. Don't recommend something m high a little much. So much. Yeah. It's a little village near Greb and Macher. You know, all these little RTL today had it like, here's the best bonfires from last night. I'm like, oh, that's nice, that's cool. Uh, didn't even like that. Travis: Needs to be a daily feature. Other Chris: All the introverts go out to bonfires. Here's our rundown. Chris: Yep. I want to subscribe newsletter, tons of pictures. Travis: Show me a bonfire. Chris: Right. Travis: Every day. Other Chris: There's probably a twitter, like, daily bonfire. Travis: There probably is bonfire today. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: Yeah. Bonfire enthusiast say we do bonfire one during Omer Other Chris: Bonfire magazine. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Right. Other Chris: Bonfire enthusiast say we do bonfire one. Chris: Night for count during the, uh, middle of the omer, counting. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: Lag. Chris: But Omer, you're supposed to go out and do like, bonfire stuff like that. So, cuz back in, what are you counting the Omer offerings between Passover and Shavuot, which were you counted? Omer a day. Add one on. It was a wheat. Thing of wheat. Other Chris: Uh, Omer a day keeps the doctor away. I don't know, something like that. Chris: Hopefully an omer day keeps the Romans away, but we all know that. Other Chris: Yeah, that didn't work out too great. Chris: In the long run. Yeah, we got the Omer. So Lagba Omer is like the middle of the Omer. Oh, uh, I m don't remember how. Travis: Many numbers there's a bonfire for that. Chris: Yeah, you're supposed to go out and like nature and like, make a little bonfire. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Kind of turned into like, maybe have some beers and let the kids run around and that kind of shit, you know, stuff like that. Travis: I feel like the midwest still keeps that tradition up every once in a while, just go outside somewhere and set, sit on fire and drink. Chris: Yeah, that's true. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: Yeah, that's true, man. Other Chris: I want to do that now. Chris: Well, I guess you've got a good fire pit. Other Chris: I I have a fire pit, but I don't have anything to put in it or anywhere to put the, like, I could put it in the driveway. Chris: I just don't really have a patio. Other Chris: I feel like, yeah, I mean, I I joked about, like, yeah, we can just set it up in the living room. Like, fuck it. Like. Travis: Uh, oh. Chris: I mean, you won't see anything on. Other Chris: The fire, but you have nowhere for. Chris: The smoke to go, so there's that. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: You open a window, it's fine. Travis: Uh, just go down, go down a couple of blocks to the river, set. Other Chris: It up on the stove and turn on the vent. Travis: You know, I just walk down to. Chris: Like, the little green area across the way from your neighborhood. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Like, by the road or something. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: Or even better, go to your neighbor's patio. Other Chris: That's right. Chris: Yeah. Other Chris: If they're not accurate, they won't mind. Chris: Just hand them a beer when they come out to be like, what are you doing? Like, oh, I thought fire night. Other Chris: Like, I thought that was obvious. Yeah, there is a, like, do you have drinks? Come, um, drink. Chris: Yeah. Travis: If they walked out and you handed them a beer from, like, a case, I bet they, for a minute would be like, did I forget about something? Chris: Like, yeah, probably. Travis: Did we play them right? Other Chris: I would, I would gasp. Chris: We sure did, Tim. You forgot, didn't you? Other Chris: Like, just make sure. Like, remember m, oh, yeah. Like, you invited me. Travis: Remember we had that long conversation the other day? Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: Yeah. Danielle: Movie was too long for a small. I should have got the medium Other Chris: Well, exactly. Chris: Yeah. Travis: Uh, all that to say, since Danielle's not here. Chris: Yeah. Travis: I'm going to interview her separately and then splice her in. But what I think will be funny is if we pretend she's here and just talking to us from the womb. Chris: Does she like it? Because I have a comment to add from Britney. If Danielle was like, I didn't like it. Travis: Well, hold on a second. Danielle, did you like it? Um. Danielle: Um, I didn't dislike it. Travis: Didn't dislike it. That's not a ringing endorsement. Danielle: Well, it was very long. Yeah, I was out of my popcorn, like, immediately. Travis: Uh uh-huh huh. Danielle: And that was really disappointing. I should have got the medium and not the small. Travis: I went with the medium. Danielle: I know. I don't I don't know. It was a mistake. Movie was too long for a small. Travis: And then this is the part where you pretend to react to what she said, like. Chris: Mm hmm. Yeah. Other Chris: Well, now I have to imagine what she's saying, though, right? Chris: We need to know. Other Chris: Why did she, hang on, hang on, hang on. I need a minute to prepare for this. Chris: Yeah. For this performance. Other Chris: Okay. Travis: Yep. Other Chris: Like, like, uh, Danielle, what did you not get about it? Like, what, what didn't make sense to you? Chris: Well, I mean, that's a fair point. Other Chris: Like, okay, so, like, like, Paul Atreides was a nice guy, and then he turned into an evil dick. Travis: Like, okay, well, he didn't want to, though. Other Chris: Yeah, he didn't want to until he. Chris: Did, but it's his destiny. Travis: He had to. Other Chris: That's his destiny. Yeah, absolutely. Travis: He had to. After he learned whose grandpa was, he was like, oh, shit. Okay. Other Chris: Yeah, well, well, no, I mean, I. Travis: Mean, at least that's what he said in this movie. Other Chris: No, no. I'm gonna lead into this with a story. Oh, boy. Okay. Like, like, okay, so I'm, I'm gonna Like, like, okay, so, so I'm, I'm gonna, I'm gonna lead into this with a story. Danielle: Oh, boy. A story. Other Chris: Okay, I already, I already hinted at. Travis: This with, hold on a sec. Hold on just 1 second. Other Chris: Okay. Travis: I have to write down some prompts to give to Danielle later. Other Chris: Okay. Travis: Oh, boy. A story. Other Chris: Avoid a story. Travis: Okay, go ahead. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: All right. Dune makes sense if you're a dude who does mushrooms, right Other Chris: All right. So, so I saw a thing on Twitter, right? Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: It was, it was the, uh, it was the randomest fucking thing, but it was, it was basically a, uh, screenshot of a Reddit thread. And the Reddit thread was like, basically talking about how drugs, like, any kind of, like, it's all performance enhancement for darts. People talking about how, like, like, oh, yeah, well, I drink, but I also smoke weed and do mushrooms in LSD. And people talking about how, like, oh, yeah, I'm so much fucking better at darts when I do LSD, when I, like, do a bunch of mushrooms. Uh, and, like, one guy talking about how, like, like, oh, yeah. Whenever I do mushrooms and play darts, it's, it's, it feels like cheating because I can see the path of the dark, the path that it's going to take. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: And all I have to do is just let it happen. Right? Travis: Wow. Other Chris: It's like, like, you just have to coax the dart into following the right path. Chris: Wow. Other Chris: And, and it's like they can predict the future. And then, like, like, all the, all of the tweet responses were like, like, oh, this dude's a fucking guild navigator. Like, like, like, who invited the Lisa al Gaib to play darts. Like, it's not fucking fair. Danielle: I have played darts. Travis: Are you good at them? Danielle: No. Travis: Have you ever tried when you were, like, super high? Danielle: I've never been super high. Like, ever. Travis: Well, you're missing out. Danielle: Okay. Other Chris: Anyway, I said. I sent that a, uh, screenshot to my friends. Travis: Uh. Uh huh. Other Chris: Right. My friend who is a known partaker. Travis: Uh, in such, uh, individual one. Yeah. Other Chris: Yes. Anyway, uh, he tells me about the time that he was playing disc golf, right. And his friend is just, like, on a fucking roll, you know, like, hitting every shot. And then he said on the 17th hole, he, like, he had a. He had a shitty drive. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: And, like. Like, him and all of his friends are just, like, walking around talking bullshitting, and he hears. He hears this guy from over. Over across the way. Like, everybody shut the fuck up. And so every. Everybody hutches down and he takes his disc and he, like, launches it, like, 2ft above the ground. And he says he. He launches this disc, like, 300ft, like, directly into the. Into the bucket. Into the basket. Travis: Wow. Other Chris: And. And, uh, he said that he. He set a course record that day. Travis: Wow. Other Chris: And he had apparently also taken a quarter ounce of mushrooms before playing, so. Ah, that. That. That's my story, basically, is. Is, uh, Dune makes sense if you're a dude who does mushrooms is what I'm saying. Travis: Yeah. Like, if you've had any experience with. Other Chris: Spice, you can see the future. Chris: Right? Other Chris: You can. You can account for all things with your intuitive thought process if you just have enough spice. Yeah, that's. That's what it's all about. Yeah. So there's your explanation for Dune in general, is it's. It's really about mushrooms. It's about dudes on mushrooms. Travis: It's about dudes on mushrooms. Yep. Chris: Don't fall for charismatic, authoritarian leaders. Other Chris: I think that. Take mushrooms. Chris: Especially ones that take mushrooms. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: Um. Oh, man. Uh, we'll come back to that topic again later, I'm sure. Um. Shit. Okay. Uh, I forgot what I was gonna say. Other Chris: I've derailed everything. Travis: No, you've launched us into the conversation. Other Chris: Oh, my God. Travis: Yeah. Yeah. Other Chris: Perfect. Q: Did anybody rewatch Dune one before we went to this one Travis: So, yeah, like, three years ago, right? We were talking about Dune. Chris: One crazy three years. Travis: We're like, who can wait this long for a sequel? I want it today. Except for. Except for Danielle, who is, like, not. Other Chris: Oh, they made another one. Travis: Not digging it. Um, I promise her that stuff would happen in this one. And it did. Other Chris: But, yes, that didn't get canceled. Travis: Although I was worried because they did delay. Chris: It because of that strike, that was in solidarity. Travis: Yeah, yeah, yeah. But, uh. Uh, did anybody rewatch Dune one before we went to this one? Other Chris: Yep, we did. Yes. Chris: Day of. Travis: Not me. Chris: Uh, I'm sorry. Other Chris: Were you totally lost? Travis: No. No, not totally lost. Although I did laugh. Other Chris: Did you read it? Travis: I did, yeah. When we did the first one, I read this messiah. Chris: Yeah. Other Chris: Okay. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: You read more than me, which will. Chris: Be part three, right? Travis: Yeah. So it's not like I didn't know what was gonna happen, but there were some characters, like, who the fuck? Like, why is thanos here? Who's that guy? But, uh, I did laugh at all the people on the Internet being like, can I just start at part two? I'm like, not really. Chris: Not really. Travis: Yeah, you'll figure out some stuff, but, like, nothing will make sense. Chris: And it's not hard to find part one. It's out there, right? At Walmart. Other Chris: Sorry, Q. Danielle saying, like, it still didn't make sense. Danielle: It still doesn't make sense. Other Chris: I want that in there. Travis: Okay. Other Chris: Okay. Travis: Yes. Uh, well, even, like, my mom told me she wanted to go see it, and I'm probably gonna take her to see it. But she hasn't seen the first one. Chris: Yeah, yeah. Travis: I'm like. She's like, but I read all the books. Other Chris: I'm like, yeah, I was gonna say, your mom strikes me as the person. Chris: Who would have read all the time. Travis: Yeah, but she read it, like, when they came out, like, yeah, I would still need to be like, okay, part one. That one's Paul. That one's the princess. That. Other Chris: But, yeah, but, yeah, I murder twink. Travis: I'm gonna take her to. I'm gonna bring her over to watch part one and maybe take her to see part two later this week, but nice. Paul has, like, eight names in this movie Anyway, so, like. Like, where were we anyway with this fucking story? Other Chris: Where were we? Travis: So Paul's family's dead. Those fucking times they betrayed him, and his friends are all dead except Duncan, Idaho, came back and then died again. Uh, and then Paul's mom is like, I'm gonna protect my baby no matter what. Like, yeah, we're gonna venture out into the desert, and then with Mary Jane Watson. Uh, and she was like, you guys are idiots. You don't know how to do desert stuff. Right? Chris: Yeah. Other Chris: Yeah, well, no, it's MJ, but not Mary anyway. Travis: Oh, that's right. It was. Yeah, it was different than that. Other Chris: It's confusing. Travis: Yeah. I don't even remember what it was now. She's still MJ, though. Other Chris: She's m. Still an MJ and MJ she's a variant. That's right. Travis: Yeah. Uh, uh, but, yeah, it did. It did take a good, I don't know, five minutes from, like, okay, I remember who this guy was supposed to be. And remembering all the different fucking titles everyone has everywhere. Like, Paul has, like, eight names in this movie. Yeah, he's got his real name, like his birth name, like, his. His giant house name. And then he's also the kangaroo mouse, and he's got a secret name. Secret name. Usul or whatever. Like. Chris: Mm hmm. Travis: Yeah, it's crazy. And the prophecy names and all this shit, like, they're all. It's all just all. Just him. Yeah. Chris: I mean, I have a secret name, so there you go. Other Chris: You have a secret name. Chris: Can you tell your name? Yes. We only use it amongst each other. Travis: Oh. Other Chris: Oh, my God. Chris: Not a big secret. We only use it for ritual purposes these days. Other Chris: Uh, rituals. You got secret rituals with a secret name? Travis: They're telling me that your culture that. Chris: Has its roots in secret names. Yes. Travis: Crazy. Other Chris: Wait a minute. Chris: Wait. Other Chris: Oh, my God. Yep. Travis: If we guess it, will you tell us? Chris: I just told you. Travis: Oh, uh. Other Chris: Oh, man. Travis: I'm gonna leave that out. Make it seem more mysterious. Other Chris: Yeah. Like. Chris: Yeah. Other Chris: So. So we don't gain control over you if we know your name. Chris: No. Other Chris: Okay. Travis: Can't make you do stuff. Other Chris: Damn it. Chris: No. Other Chris: That would be fun, though. Travis: I would make my secret name Pazoon. Chris: Yeah. That's how the tradition kind of evolved, like, once we got involved more in. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Outsider society is like, well, I have my real name, my hebrew name that I use amongst my people. Travis: Yeah. Chris: And then the name we use when I'm out with you other folks, because you can't pronounce our names and you think they're weird, so. Travis: Right. Other Chris: It's like, your names are weird, you know, culture. Travis: Just like the ladies at the nail salon who are all named, like, Debra. Chris: Yeah, right, exactly. Travis: Or Kathy or whatever. Other Chris: Like, Kathy. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Yeah. Other Chris: Who chooses Kathy? Travis: Someone who sound regular, loves ice cream, but doesn't like buying swimsuits. That's who chooses Kathy. Chris: Yep. Danielle: I liked this adaptation. I liked it a lot too Travis: So what did we all, what did we all think? Except from Danielle, who said it was still pretty boring. Chris: Yeah. Britney thought that was not as exciting as Star wars. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Yeah. She didn't care for it, and we're, like, wrong. But that's okay. You can be wrong. Travis: I feel like I I can get with that, because I like Star wars is its own kind of Sci-Fi right. It's more like the attic. It's more operatic. Chris: Yeah, more. I thought it was good. I liked this adaptation. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Second part. Other Chris: Yeah, yeah, I enjoyed it. Travis: I liked it a lot too. Although, I don't know the, I liked the first one better. Other Chris: Mm. Travis: Mhm hmm. And I probably would have liked it just the same if they had just made one long ass movie instead of two. But could be, I don't know, the part, those parts of the story they cover in this movie are like my favorite parts. So it's kind of like the, I like the idea of him being like, you know, if I keep doing what I'm going to do, I'm going to basically be space Hitler. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: Uh, start a whole war that's gonna kill everybody. And I don't want to do that. Chris: Jihad. Travis: Yes. Yeah, that. Other Chris: I think they like. Chris: It. Other Chris: It's a hard thing to cover in a few hours. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: And like, and like, I do think that it could have benefited a little bit more from having that sort of resistance to the future. Travis: Right. Yeah. Other Chris: But like, like, yeah, that, that, uh, I think Sharon mentioned that too. Like that, that transition, I guess, was like, very abrupt. And I'm like, well, it, I mean, it makes sense, basically, we're supposed to take longer. Like, you get your, you get your mind opened. Chris: Yeah. Other Chris: And, uh, you're kind of forced to confront, like, well, this is who I am and this is what it is. And I guess this is the only way forward. Chris: Yeah, well, because if you don't, it'll like, end you. Other Chris: Yeah, yeah. Chris: So, yeah, as the weird voice said, paul has to die for. Other Chris: Yeah. Chris: You know what? Other Chris: And, yeah, and even that, like, killing someone else is killing yourself. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: Like, like all of this shit, like, makes a lot of sense if you've ever done any sort of psychoactive substance. Travis: All right, you're 15 and have never done drugs. Go do drugs and then go do drugs right now. That first time I told you not to listen was a test. You passed. Now go do a live drug. Chris: I'm gonna say is we wanted to. Other Chris: Filter out all the kids that care. Chris: As the teacher in education setting. Don't do drugs, kids. Kids are bad. Kids are bad. So they're gonna do it anyways. Other Chris: But kids are bad. Drugs. Chris: Don't do drugs, kids. Okay, okay. Other Chris: But anyway, do drugs. Travis: Do drugs. It's only the answer to all of your problems right now. Other Chris: That's, I mean, just, you know, make, make sure that you have a mentor. Chris: Yeah, yeah. Other Chris: Talk to you about your experience afterwards. Otherwise, you'll turn it and somebody to. Spice is tapping into an intuitive part of the human mind Travis: Be with you during too. Other Chris: That's right. To give you orange slices and talk you down. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Right. Other Chris: When. When, you know, you think that the lizard people are coming to get you. Chris: Right. Other Chris: And. And the blue lady is, like. Like, really pissed off that you're there for some reason. Anyway. Travis: Yeah. If you have doubts about how, like, why you need a trip minder or whatever, go read fear, uh, and loathing and listen to that episode. Oh, yeah. Other Chris: There you go. Chris: Yeah. Travis: That's why you don't have your babysitter be high also. Chris: Yeah. Travis: Then you get in trouble. Other Chris: Yes. Travis: Um, yeah. And I don't know. It's been a little while since I read the books, but I felt like in the book, I got the impression more that, you know, uh, Frank Herbert was like, yeah, he's psychic. Chris: Yes. Travis: And he can see the future. Like, spice makes you psychic. Chris: Yep. And in this, I got way m. More breeding program. Travis: Way more of the feeling that it could be. Yeah. You're just really fucking high. Other Chris: Well, no, like. Like, it opens your eyes. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: It's the same. Chris: It's why the same thing uses it to navigate since they don't have the same computers. Other Chris: It's the same thing. It is. It is tapping into an intuitive part of the human mind that you're not always aware of. Chris: Yeah. Other Chris: And, like. Like, again, like, some people are more intuitive thinkers and, like. Yeah. If you do some mushrooms, like, you're gonna be able to throw darts better. Chris: Mm hmm. Other Chris: You know? Travis: Right. Other Chris: Because. Chris: See where it's going. Other Chris: Yeah. Chris: And. Other Chris: And it feels like a superpower, but it is just like the working of your weird human brain. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: And. And that is kind of the new agey bullshit that Frank Herbert was on when he wrote all this is, like, the untapped potential of the human mind. Travis: Right. Chris: Because if you read enough generations, then I guess you can make your brain super receptive to the site, to the drug you're on. Travis: Yeah, yeah. It. It was a theme that I glad they brought up in the movie, too, was how the Ben and Jesuit, like, the power of planning things for fucking generations. Chris: Yep. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: Like hundreds of years. Chris: Like, what you can do. Yeah. Travis: Go out and tell everyone, like, someday a guy's gonna come, and he's gonna do this, and that's your messiah, basically. Like, look out for him. Chris: I have to look it up. Shit, though, because the day we saw dune two, I was reading, like, I heard the jews are still around. Then what were we doing? Other Chris: And then there was one thing. Chris: Yeah. They made a side agreement with the Bene Gesserit, but then just kind of laughed. Chuckled to themselves as the Bene Gesserit, like copied some crap from us. Travis: Oh, yeah. Other Chris: Basings. Chris: And we're just um. Like. You think you've been here a long time? Sure. Daniel: Were they accidentally predicting the future in this, this case All right. Travis: Yeah. Well, and, uh, yeah, so, and then like when they got towards the end and they were talking about, you know, how they had planned, planned all these different, uh, like myths, basically prophecies out there, uh, the question kind of came up was like, did they have, uh, one that finally got out of control and they didn't realize exactly what the impact would be when someone embraced that? Or were they accidentally actually predicting the future in this, this case? Other Chris: So, long enough. Travis: Timeline. Other Chris: What, what happening? All the possibilities. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: What, what happened was that, that they didn't account for everything, right? Travis: Mm. Mhm hmm. Other Chris: Because I mean, what it, what it really was was that, um, um. Fucking, what's her name? Oh, oh, misses atreides. Travis: Oh, um, Jessica or whatever. Other Chris: Jessica lady Jessica. Travis: They all had really plain names. It's like Paul and Jessica. Other Chris: Yeah. So anyway, all right, so basically she went against orders. Right? Chris: Right. Other Chris: Uh, for love, for the love of her husband. Right. She had a son when she was, she was supposed to only have daughters. Right, right. And then, and then it was kind of like the, the Benny Jeser had saw it as hubris. Travis: Uh-huh. Other Chris: That like she, she had a son and thought that he might actually be good enough to be the sort of like the, the Cuisatz Hadarach. Right. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: The sort of like Messiah figure that they were planning on creating. But I, so the Benny Jesuit, like they were planning on doing it eventually. Chris: With somebody, but like generation or two from where they're at. Other Chris: Yeah, but it wasn't supposed to be him. Travis: Right. Other Chris: And, and so she kind of fucked everything up by like, having a son who turned out to be actually capable of doing the thing. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: Um, and you kind of get the impression that they're like they're gonna roll with it, you know, uh, like whatever's gonna happen. Like they're like, yeah, we've been fine. Like we're gonna continue to be fine. Like they can, you know, again, like they can read people, they can understand people. Like they're the, they're the fucking psychologists, manipulators of the universe, right? And so, like, yeah, they're like, we can still control everything. Like everything's gonna be okay. Like we got this. Even though it didn't go exactly as we planned, even though everyone didn't follow instructions. Jessica, Jessica. Fucking Jessica. Chris: I didn't know this until the Dunewiki told me I have no idea if this is true or not. Other Chris: Mhm. Chris: But it is notable. The term Kwisatz haderach is an anglicized pronunciation of the phrase kefizza haderech, which translates as the shortening of the way or the leap of the path, and is used as a cons. As a concept mentioned in jewish texts as a miraculously rapid transportation between two physical locations. Other Chris: Oh, uh, there you go. Travis: He's a wormhole. Chris: Yeah. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: To the future. Chris: I found the part here. So this group of jewish survivors had survived as a secret society, protected and supported by the Bene Gesserit through a pact of both sided loyalty, though they sometimes felt amused or dismayed by what they thought of as the Bene Gesserit copying them. Yeah. Travis: All right, so Daniel does. Other Chris: Is that racist? Chris: I don't know, but it says is the only religion from old earth that survived throughout the time. Other Chris: Uh, I can't tell if that's racist or anti racist. Like, I can't tell. It's hard. Travis: I say anti racist. Chris: Yeah, yeah. Other Chris: So, yeah, like, like, give the Jews something, you know? Yeah. Chris: We had our own planet at one point. Other Chris: Oh. Chris: We settled a world, uh, where no one looked, no one else lived there. It's called gamu, apparently. And there was a population on seleucus secundus before that got all weird and polluted. And then Newark, Newark, new or New Jersey. There is no new orc. Oh, um, new. Or. There is a planet apparently called that, or a settlement, probably, you know, named after New York from older, but, uh, Newark. I'm like, okay, thanks, dude. People. Travis: So, uh, Danielle, did that clear everything up? Danielle: It still doesn't make sense. Chris: Probably nothing. Other Chris: Uh, Danielle, do some drugs. Chris: Yeah, right? Other Chris: Yeah, it'll all make sense. Chris: Drugs, then go play darts or whatever. Travis: Whatever is your thing. Levi had a five k this morning for St. Patrick's Day Um, yeah, side note, uh, Levi had a five k who's running in this morning for St. Patrick's Day. You know how. Other Chris: Oh, was he on drugs? Travis: No, no, no. Other Chris: Okay. Travis: No, no, no. But you know how these races have, like, the little tents set up for, like, vendors, local vendors to come and be like, hey, come by, yoga, uh, classes, or. Other Chris: Yeah, like, uh, I don't, but now I do. Travis: Okay, well, just so you know, a lot of times these races have little tents for stuff, so. Other Chris: Okay. Travis: Since it was a st. Patrick's Day run, they got a local brewery to come and give out samples. Chris: Mm mhm hmm. Travis: And you know, it's not actually marijuana, but some local dispensaries were also there with, like, health products with, um, whatever. Delta eight and. And CBD and stuff. I'm like, here you go, kids. Get drunk and have some weed. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: It helps with the pain afterward. Chris: Yeah. Other Chris: Well, I mean, I did read a thing about a guy who did, like, like, trail running, you know? Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: And he's like, oh, I was. I was, like, on mushrooms for every single one of those runs because, like. Travis: Like, you could never endure otherwise. Other Chris: Well, yeah, he's. He's like, I'm running, like. Like, you know, double marathons or whatever, but, like, I'm running away from dinosaurs. Right. Travis: Wow. Other Chris: It helps a lot. Yeah. It's very motivating to not know what's in the bushes. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: You know? Travis: Wow. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: Uh, so more like general notes from my side. Uh. Uh, so, um, I wish this had come out earlier, because since I saw Willy Wonka, I kept expecting Paul to pull out chocolate bars and be like, here you go. Chris: Try hallooed. Have a chocolate bar. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: Chocolate. Put the spice in the chocolate. Have a cosmic chocolate. Chris: There we go. That'd be good. Travis: Um, I thought what they did with his sister was probably really smart as, like, not having her being, like, a baby who's, like, fully verbal stabbing people like that. Chris: Like Brittany. Other Chris: I mean, I do want to see, like, a two year old kid fucking stabbing a guy. Travis: Yeah. Chris: With the gum, like we were. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: Um. Um, no, you don't. You don't know some of this stuff. Like, I'm like. Other Chris: It's. Chris: It makes. Other Chris: You're okay with just, like, queen's gambit showing up for, like, a minute. Chris: Yeah. Come back so we can see her in part. Travis: I didn't need it to be her, but. Chris: But she was chosen. That's who they got to. That's who Dani got to play her. Travis: Yeah. Yeah. Daniel: I think the lynch version is not good. Not a good adaptation Uh, this is where Daniel will tell us about how she, uh, noticed, like, all of the generic people that are in everything are in this movie. Danielle: Yes. Travis: It's the. Danielle: It's the new Jude law. The new Jude law. They're just in everything at all times. He set the precedent. Travis: Yeah, I guess so. Danielle: They're passed the torch on to them, I guess. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: Including princess, um, Peach. And we wondered why Jack, uh, black didn't show up. Chris: Or, uh, he's too jovial for. Travis: He was in star wars. Chris: Yeah, but he's jovial for Dune. Travis: He was in mandalorian. Right. Chris: That's still a happier universe than the dune one, I guess. Travis: So he can be. He fought the devil. Like, he can. Other Chris: I, uh, mean, you know, just. Just wait for the eventual warhammer movie where everything is fucking shit. Travis: Yeah, yeah. Uh, but no, I mean, there was stuff, especially around that, like his sister in particular. I'm like, this is one thing to read about. And I think it'd be really weird to see it on a film. A lot of people are like, what the fuck is this? Other Chris: Yeah, go. Go watch the David Lynch Dan. Travis: Yeah, you should do that anyway. Other Chris: You should. Travis: You should do that anyway. Other Chris: But. But, yeah. Like, I don't know. I do. I do feel kind of screwed over. Like, not being able to see a, uh. Yeah. Like. Like a two year old stabbing a guy. Chris: Yeah, we. Other Chris: I feel like we need that. Chris: We did. Yeah. Travis: At the same time that I didn't. I didn't need to see, like, a CGI baby. Like an ally McBeal baby. Stab somebody. Chris: Um, you wouldn't have. Travis: I did miss some of the weird ass dialogue from the lynch version. Like, no one was, like, asking to spit on anyone's face. Like, they were just kind of murdering people. It was weird. Yeah, well, I mean, that wasn't fun weird either. Chris: Just think the lynch version is not good. So there we go. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Not a good adaptation. Travis: Well, maybe there's a middle way. Chris: I think there is some of the. Travis: More quote unquote realistic depictions and then still some outlandish dialogue. Chris: Yeah, that would have been good. Travis: Get fucking, uh, George Miller to do it. Mad Max M. Chris: Instead of having spent all that time making that furiosa prequel. Travis: Yeah. Chris: He could have just done dune. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: I mean, honestly, I'm pretty excited for that, too. Chris: I am too. Yeah, it's gonna be good. Travis: I'm saying, that made me think maybe he should have had a crack at Dune. Chris: Right. Travis: I'm just saying, uh, I didn't think Bald Elvis lived up to Sting's performance for fade. Although he was certainly very, uh, built. Um, but he was just kind of there for me. I don't know. Chris: Yeah, I do feel like he was a little underused. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: Bald Elvis. Travis: Bald Elvis. Chris: Because the parts he was in, I'm like, ooh, this is really good. That's very sinister. Yeah. Travis: Yeah. But I guess it's kind of like. Chris: He was there then. He was just dead. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Like, they had to fight. Travis: You've got, like, the baron and, uh, what was his name? Rap rabbin? Chris: Rabban. Rabban the beast. Rabban Coco Rabban, who turns out to be a bitch. MJ: Some of that came off as a little weird Travis: Get out of here. Here's another guy. Chris: Yeah. Travis: All right. Chris: Yeah. Travis: But they weren't, like, building up his legend by him fighting guys with, uh, he had a shield on. Like, interesting. Chris: Well, they had shield off, so. Travis: Well, that one time. Yeah, that guy wasn't all drugged up, but he's still just a guy, so. Chris: Was just a guy. He's just a guy, too. Travis: No, he was the knob. Her own or whatever. Chris: Yeah, the air. Uh. Other Chris: Uh. Travis: I thought. Well, I think we talked about this a little already, but there was kind of, like, a very quick turn of people's, uh. Uh, what, uh, uh, reactions to this prophecy. Because Paul's like, listen, uh, MJ, I don't want to do this thing because I'm going to end up murdering people. She's like, it's going to be fine. It's going to be great. Like, go do it, then. She's like, shit, you did it. What the fuck? Chris: I can't believe you did that. Even though I don't like that. Your biggest supporter in the world. Travis: Yeah, I know you like, ugh. Chris: I'm gonna have to try to stop you. I'm like, I don't like this, Johnny, it's fine. Other Chris: They just. They, you know, they just. It's a misunderstanding. Chris: She gives him his children. Like, she can't be all against him. Travis: She doesn't, uh, understand about, like, uh. Danielle: Political marriages in victory and defeat. Chris: Right. She did in the book. Yeah, to work. She's, like, doing just like, lady Jessica. She was the concubine so that Lato tradies could get officially married if need be. Travis: Yeah. Chris: So, yeah, just like Paul. Yeah, she's like, your wife gets no children from him. Travis: Like, I only. I'm the only one knows your secret name, though, so I. Real wife. Chris: Exactly. Travis: Yeah. But, yeah, some of that came off as a little weird. Um. A little weird to me, where he's like, I'm not gonna do it. I'm not. Okay, I'll do. It's gonna be fine. Fuck you. Chris: He's presented with no other choice but, yes, her turnabout. I'm like, uh, come on. Danielle: Yeah, maybe she was just unsatisfied with the patriarchy. Travis: Fair point. Fair point. Other Chris: It is like. Chris: Like, I don't care for this change. Like, I don't like it. Travis: Like, I thought it was gonna be cool until I actually saw it happen, and I'm, like, not into it. Chris: Yeah. Travis: Which I guess happens in real life. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: You know? Chris: Yeah. But not with beloved properties. Yeah, they shouldn't do that. Travis: Yeah, no, I mean, in, like, real life, you can. Chris: Yeah. Travis: Something up in your head. Like, I really want to go, I don't know, zip lining. And then you get on it, like, oh, do it. And, like, no, I didn't want to be up this high. Chris: Or you're mean. I'm like, I'm looking at this from afar and giving that a big. Nope. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: So, no, I like. Like, I have kind of the, uh, south park take on it, which is like, oh, that looks fun. And then it's like, oh, God, like, this is really boring. Travis: Well, you know, your mileage may vary. Other Chris: On, uh, exactly, but, like, you know, like. Like, the point is, like, live in reality, you know? Travis: Yeah, yeah. Other Chris: Don't. Don't. Don't spend, uh, so much time, like, building something up in your mind. If your husband says, I want to start a space holocaust, dissuade him Chris: Right. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: One way or the other. Travis: Proceed with caution if you're gonna start a space holocaust. Chris: Right. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: Or if your. Your would be husband says, I want to start a space holocaust, maybe dissuade him. Chris: Oh, he tried to not do it, but, yeah, fate said, hey. Travis: Or, yeah, the other way around. I don't know. I don't know if that's one of the val. Chris: The place here, like Domino's now. You have no other choice. Other Chris: Yeah, basically. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: There's only one way things can go. Like, you might as well lean into it. Travis: Yeah. Yeah. Other Chris: That's basically the. Chris: Becomes apparent. Yeah. Travis: Right. Chris: Then you do. And you wow people with your mind powers because you can see shit. Travis: Yeah. Chris: And tell some dude how he's feeling so it backs him down the fuck down, and he sits down at your big meeting. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: Uh, I feel like Penn, um, and Teller would tell you that that kind of crowd work is really easy to do, probably. Although his was a little more specific than, like, somebody with a w. I mean. Other Chris: I mean. Travis: I mean, sensing a w. Right. Other Chris: For. For certain people. It is. Travis: Yeah. Yeah. Other Chris: But, like. Like, yeah, it's, again, like, going back to the sort of, like, Frank Herbert, like, new agey bullshit. I mean, basically what it is is, like, there is some, like, intuitive part of the human mind that is, like, all of this untapped potential, and we're just tapping into it. Yeah, that's what it is. Travis: Yeah. Yeah. Our theater gets custom popcorn things for every movie that has one Um, I should have asked this at the top, but did. Did anyone fuck their popcorn bucket? Chris: Nobody got that popcorn bucket. I don't think they didn't provide the tops. Travis: Damn it. Chris: So what the hell? Travis: Just bring a flashlight just in case. Like. Chris: Like, I think it was decided that'd be too weird for folks, so they just didn't go through with it. I was not around here. Maybe they didn't like New York. Who know? Travis: I was hopeful because for, like, three months after the eras tour came out. They still gave out the eras tour shit as like the medium popcorn. Chris: Mm hmm. Travis: So I was hopeful they would just give me one. Chris: But no, I bought the special dune set at our, the theater we went to. Yeah, they gave me a popcorn so huge, I ate a lot of it and just barely dented the surface layer. Other Chris: Oh, wow. Travis: And there's no popcorn big enough. Chris: It's fucking huge. You could feed like four people with that thing. No, I got a special cut too, with an Atreides logo lid. Travis: Mmm. Other Chris: Mhm. Chris: So an Atreides crest lead. That's pretty. Travis: Yeah. Chris: I don't know if it's worth $30, but it was worth for the experience, so. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: Yeah, there you go. Chris: Just be like, I bought this fancy, fancy matching set at Dune. At Dune park. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: So feel like our theater gets those custom popcorn things for every movie that has one, and then there's always a fuck ton left because no one wants that shit. Chris: Well, they do, but they don't want to pay $30 for something that's really. Travis: Yeah. Uh, you know, Simon's like, hey, that one's look like the Ninja Turtle head. Can we have that popcorn? I'm like, no. What are you gonna do with that shit? Other Chris: Put it. Put it on the pile where it, where it, you know, like, stops you from accessing everything in your room. Chris: Yeah. Other Chris: That's what you do with it. Chris: You become like me child. Travis: And the top layer stuff you look at. Yeah, I. Chris: At least here, like, Brittany is known for taking the reusable buckets we have and she will put popcorn in them. Travis: Yeah. Chris: To eat for movies. So I'm like, okay, they're getting used. That's fine. Travis: Like, we have two of those that, uh, we used to have where we had reusable popcorn buckets and it was like $3 off if we brought them back. Chris: Yeah. Because that's what army theater does. Travis: And now we have an arrows tour set of buckets because we're not gonna throw that away. Chris: I kind of want to get the new regal one for this year that we saw too. We don't go to the regal theater a lot because it's like 35 minutes away from here and we have a movie theater five minutes down the road. Travis: Yeah, that's fine. Chris: But they're not doing the year bucket because I asked when I went and saw a movie, like, in January, like, we're not doing that this year. I'm like, dude, $15 once and then $4.99 every time after that. Like, why the hell would I not get this right. Other Chris: Why wouldn't you? Chris: I guess they didn't make enough money from it, so. Travis: Yeah. NordVPN did very well its first weekend in the US Uh, speaking of making money. Yes. Other Chris: So it seems like this nordvpn. Travis: Oh, doing good. Other Chris: It is, yeah. Chris: It did very well its first weekend. They haven't, it had those, like, pre pandemic opening week numbers, so. Travis: Yeah, well, that's the thing I was, uh, looking at earlier today. I guess the budget, they estimated at like one point or 190 million. Chris: Mhm. Travis: And so far in the US, it's up to like 180. So that's pretty good. It's been out for. Chris: So that's just here. Other Chris: So you got a, like, like, there's. Chris: It'll do fine in the international market. Other Chris: Yeah. Account for another, like some percent. I don't know what percent, but, like, for marketing to like, throw that in there. Travis: Yeah. All the money they spent on pocket pussies. Other Chris: Yeah, exactly. Chris: Come on. I do wonder who thought that was a good idea. Travis: But, uh, yeah, I don't know. Like, I can see it being shaped like a, like a sandworm, but the teeth is what did it for me. Other Chris: Why? Chris: How are you supposed to get the popcorn out and not sell? This is just, you know, just fuck your popcorn bucket in the middle of, you know. Travis: I guess. Yeah, I guess not. Uh, so anyway, anyway, the first one only came in at like 109 million, but that was like, pandemic times. Chris: Yeah, that was. Travis: I know. I watched it on the home theater. Chris: So I did too. Other Chris: Yes. Chris: There was a lot. It was a decent haul for when half people didn't go show up. Travis: Right. Chris: So it did pay $20 for HBO to get it. To watch it. Travis: It did make me think about the times when, like, a hundred million dollars would have been a very successful movie. Other Chris: Right, right. Chris: We were kids. Travis: Or like a decently successful movie. Other Chris: Yeah. Chris: And I'll say making that much money off of like, $20 video watching, we can watch it too, is pretty good. Travis: Yeah. Chris: So. Travis: Well, yeah. And considering that in our house, like, four or five of us watched on the $120, so, uh, that would have been like 50 or 60 at the theater. So, yeah, give m it a multiple of something. Chris: But like I said, they kind of gauge success for. It was like, we're betting a lot. It was like four to five people that are watching, you know, so that's a lot of eyeballs. So next time we release this, they will all pay. Travis: Right. Chris: You know, and that is kind of happening, so. Travis: Right. Uh, uh, hold on a second. I'm sorry. Danielle's, uh, who's definitely sitting right next to me is texting me. Chris: She's doing it. She doesn't have to interrupt the conversation. Other Chris: She wants to know what you want for dinner. Travis: I'm having pizza, ma'am. Chris: We're having pizza too. What do you know? Shit. Other Chris: I had pizza yesterday, so I can't do it again. Travis: Yes, you can. Other Chris: But I would. Travis: You totally can. Chris: Nothing is preventing you. But you. Other Chris: Yeah, I'll have pizza tomorrow. How about that? Travis: First, have a whole bunch of weed, and then realize that nothing is stopping you from eating pizza. Other Chris: Nothing stopping me from doing anything. Travis: Exactly. Nothing. Other Chris: Camus. Shit, man. Yeah, nothing is stopping you from doing anything. Chris: Mhm. Travis: Is that the. Is that the assassin's creed quote? Nothing is real. Everything is possible. The next Dune movie is reportedly set for 2020 Chris: Everything is permitted. Travis: Permitted. There you go. There you go. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: Jump off a fucking tower into some hate. Other Chris: Do whatever the fuck you want, but. Chris: Only if you know you'll get the streaming whistle sound. Otherwise you're just gonna die. Other Chris: Especially if you're 15. Yeah, do whatever you want off your. Travis: Ring finger in your sleeve. Chris: Yeah. Travis: Uh, it's the coolest. Chris: Easily assassinate people that way. Travis: Stab them in the chin. Chris: Spring loaded blade. Travis: Yeah. Uh. Chris: No one will ever notice under your flowy coat. Other Chris: Yeah, that's right. Travis: And then touch them with a feather and they, like, disintegrate, right? Chris: Yeah, totally. Travis: Yeah, that's what happens. Other Chris: How this works. Chris: Yeah, that's totally real. Travis: Uh, so the next one's gonna be Dune Messiah, right? Chris: If they end up making it, yeah, it should be dune Messiah's adaptation. Travis: Trying to find out if they've definitely confirmed they're doing the third one. And that's what. Chris: It's not yet, but it seems pretty set. But the only problem is everyone's busy, so we probably won't get it, like. Travis: 2020, another three years. Chris: No, it's gonna be like four or five years. Travis: Yeah, we won't be here, so. Chris: Yeah, unfortunately, I don't know if the, uh, interest will still be around for people to see it, but, I mean, I'll see it. Other Chris: Yeah, I'll watch. Chris: Yeah, I'll see it too. Other Chris: But it's gonna be fucking weird. Chris: I'm just gonna be bummed. I'm like, you took, like, five fucking years to make another one. Like, come on. Travis: Yeah, you're gonna go back and be like, it was like, a decade ago when I saw this. I'm like, I'm interested to see more. Other Chris: Well, I mean, like, at least. At least, like, Timothy Chalamet is not gonna age. Danielle: He's not. He's not going to age. Travis: And are you okay with that? Danielle: I have no opinion whatsoever. He can do whatever he pleases. Other Chris: It's none of my business, you know, it's like. Like, you know, like. Like, it could be really just like, um. Chris: Um. Yeah, yeah. Other Chris: Like. Like, good thing they didn't use, like, you know, people the actual age or whatever. Chris: Yeah, right? Travis: Just give them that Indiana Jones treatment. Other Chris: Oh, God, yeah, make him do that. Oh, don't do that. Nobody do that. Travis: Don't do it. Chris: It was kind of effective, though. Other Chris: Uh, but. Chris: But it also wasn't the whole movie, so. Travis: No. Yeah, no, no, no. Chris: It was just. Travis: Movie was like, oh, someone's grandpa's running. Chris: I also bought that movie recently, so. Travis: Nice. Chris: I can have it. Get the other ones on the. Other Chris: I mean, it was, uh. It was. It was better than the one that shall not be named. Chris: Yes. Other Chris: You know, but, like. Yeah, yeah, well, the. Chris: We're gonna pretend to be in the jungle, but we're actually on a set somewhere, and everything is a blue screen. Travis: Mmm. M so every. Every Disney plus movie or show, right? Chris: Yeah. Uh, but it was bad in 2008. They didn't have the same whatever surround you tech they use now for Mandalorian. That's amazing. Travis: So it's still kind of bad. But it is bad. Chris: I know. It looks fantastic. Travis: I can't tell you I couldn't do better, but I can tell they're not out in the field somewhere. But anyway. This is definitely not age appropriate for you all. Big warning. Not safe for work Well, whenever they decide to do it, I'll go see it. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: And if we're still doing this, we'll talk about it, and we'll be like, remember when everyone was having sex with the popcorn bucket? Other Chris: Remember that? Chris: Remember? Travis: We'll have. It'll be long if we forgot that no one actually did that. Other Chris: Next time. Next time, they'll have an even sexier popcorn bucket. Chris: Probably. Travis: It'S popcorn talker will be, uh, Zondaya's vagina. Chris: I was gonna go with the other ones with Queen's gambit girl. Oh, maybe we'll get a choice, then. Travis: Yes. You can choose your own. You can get print, the princess all sister, or his desert wife. Chris: You're right. And no qualms about it. It's just a co, uh, branded effort with fleshlight or something. Travis: Yep. And if Pornhub is back in Texas, you can connect it to those certain videos that are interactive. It'll be great. Chris: Yeah. It'll vibrate for you or something. Travis: Or something. Chris: Yeah. Travis: Oh, boy. Other Chris: Vc's. Call us sometimes. Chris: I think there's something. Other Chris: We got ideas. Chris: Yeah, we do. Tons of ideas. Travis: Want to make sure everybody comes to your movie. Chris: Make sure everybody comes at your movie. Other Chris: Oh, you did it. Chris: Yep. Travis: All right, shut it down. We're done. Other Chris: Can't talk. Chris: We're over. Other Chris: This was our, this was our terrible purpose that we saw coming. But not a void. Chris: Right. Other Chris: Like, sorry. Travis: When we saw the pictures of the popcorn bucket, we knew this was gonna happen. Chris: Sorry we put it off. Reality. Other Chris: I tried really hard not to. Jerking off at the movies. Chris: Yeah. Other Chris: But we had to come real. It's the only place that we could have ended up. Travis: Yeah, we talked about it in our first episode. Mobile maceratoriums. Chris: Yeah. Travis: We haven't evolved since then. Other Chris: That's right. Travis: And we never will. Chris: No, probably not. Travis: Uh, so anyway, yeah, this is why if you're 15, you should have listened. Chris: Right. Travis: And now it's too late. Chris: We are definitely not age appropriate for you all. Danielle: So you guys are gross. Travis: That's why I was. Chris: Big warning. Not safe for work. Travis: I always love how at the end of a movie now they're like, this has been rated are like, if you shouldn't have seen this, it's too late now. Chris: Yep. Travis: Sorry. Oh, well, this was rated. So any, uh, any final thoughts? Chris: I mean, it was good. I'm really glad these adaptations got made because was good. People doubt for decades that there would actually be a decent movie adaptation. And we got one. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: Yeah. Chris: It's flashy, it's bright. And Sandy. It works. Travis: Yeah. Yeah, I'll take it. Chris: Yeah, definitely. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris, what do you think? Other Chris: And go watch dune, I guess. Yeah, go read it. And, like, also, like, fine. Chris: Like, they're all good. Yeah, watch the documentary about, however you say his name, Khodorkovsky's failed attempt at it because that's pretty good too, that documentary. Other Chris: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And, and, you know, keep it, keep it in sort of your, um, um, like, like cultural back pocket for when you're, like, watching other things or reading other things and, like, seeing the effect that it had on. Yeah, yeah. Go read Dune and then maybe watch some Star Wars And you know, and also, like, keep in mind that sort of like weird new agey science fiction. Travis: Right? Chris: Like, right. Other Chris: Back in the day, like, uh, man, they had some, like, interesting ideas about how people work and, like, they're not, they're not wrong, right. But just weird. Chris: Yes. Yeah. Go watch this one. Weird sci-fi go read anything by Philip K. Dick. Travis: There you go. So go watch and read Dune and then maybe watch one of your Star wars and be like, oh, wait a minute. Uh, moisture farmer. Chris: Right. Desert. Travis: You've kind of seen the future a Star War. Chris: A Star Wars. Star War one. Star War. What is it? I don't know how to say it in Italian, but I just remember my. Travis: Italian just to do your hand package. Chris: Star wars figures I had with that, like, the italian name of Stellari at the end, um, which is basically Star wars, you know? Travis: Yeah. Estrellas or whatever. Yeah, it's spanish, right? For start. Are you going to see the next Planet of the Apes movie Anyway, so, Danielle, are you gonna see the third one? No, I didn't think so. Other Chris: Yeah, I will make, she sounds super excited about it. Chris: But you know what you can see later this year? The next Planet of the Apes movie. Travis: Oh, shit. Danielle: Yes, I will see that one. Travis: Does it look really interesting? Danielle: Um, I can't really remember, but I'm sure I will like it. I've liked all the rest, even when I thought I would not. Travis: Yeah. Yeah. Danielle: I am more excited about that than I was for this. I will get a bigger popcorn. Travis: Awesome. I'm actually really excited about that. Chris: Yeah, it's gonna be, I think it's. Travis: Gonna be, it's gonna be awesome. We'll talk about it, too. Yeah, you'll be great. Chris: Definitely. So do you guys have anything else that's good? Tons of stuff Travis: So do you guys have anything else that's good? Chris: Tons of stuff. Travis: Oh, God. Chris: Worms coming up. Books. Travis: What's purim? Chris: Purim? Yeah, purim. Travis: I heard worms coming up. Other Chris: Like, worms, worms. Travis: Thinking of shy hallooed still, but. Oh, but purim, um, that would be. Chris: Good to become Purim that's coming up. And books, reading and coins and all sorts of good stuff. Travis: Coins. Ian Boruma argues that Spinoza exemplified how to be jewish Chris: All right, here's one of the books that Spinoza book I talked about. When I got it, I was like, look, it came, um, Spinoza. Spinoza by Ian Boruma. So it's, the few pages were good. Travis: Remind me what it's about. Chris: Our friend Baruch Spinoza. Travis: Okay. Chris: Who was a radical freethinker who led a life guided by strong moral principles despite his disbelief in an all seeing God. Oh, uh, seen by many christians as well as Jews, as Satan's disciple. During his lifetime, Spinoza has been regarded as a secular saint. Since his death, many contradictory beliefs have been attached to his name. Rationalism or metaphysics, atheism or pantheism, liberalism or despotism, jewishness or anti Semitism. However, there is no question that he viewed freedom of thought and speech as essential to an open and free society. Travis: Nice. Chris: So in this insightful account, the award winning author, Ian Boruma stresses the importance of the time and place that shapes Spinoza, which is the 17th century in Amsterdam. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Uh, beginning with the Sephardic of Amsterdam and followed by the politics of the Dutch Republic. Though Spinoza rejected the basic assumptions of his family's faith, was consequently expelled from his sephardic community, Veruma argues that Spinoza did indeed lead a jewish life, a modern jewish life. Other Chris: Oh, snap to. Chris: Heiny Hess, marks M. Freud, and no doubt many others today, Spinoza exemplified how to be jewish without believing in Judaism. His defense of universal freedom is as important for our own time as it. Travis: Was in his go back a seven. How to be jewish without believing in Judaism. Other Chris: Yeah, yeah. Like, culturally jewish. Chris: It's an ethno religion, so you don't have to believe in God to still be jewish. Other Chris: Yeah. Chris: The jewish stuff, you're just still required. Yeah. Even Chabad would say, we don't care if you believe in it or not. Still do it. It was like, I don't want to do that. Other Chris: Why? Chris: Let's question this stuff. Travis: I got you. Chris: It's very much thought that. Yeah. Like, he didn't want to, like, not be around his people and whatnot. Um, he just had different ideas. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Time. They're like, well, you know, we don't do that. And then I. It's also still kind of, like, in the midst of, like, a lot of the stuff with the Protestants still going on, like, the reformation, the fallout and changes from that. So they're like, don't shake the boat, man. Like, we got a nice place here after the spanish inquisition, and they're being expelled, like, 200 years ago. It's like, so don't give him any reason to kick us out again. But he was all like, no, I like freedom and thinking and questioning and all that kind of stuff. So they wrote some philosophy books, too. Yeah, that are kind of popular still. But he spent a lot of his time after he got kicked out of the community, uh, as a latin teacher, like, a latin tutor. And he was a lens grinder, so much stuff like that. And he had a bunch of good friends, but, like, just kind of sexually died. Like, we have to bury you, but we can't bury you where you want to be, so we're just going to put you in this church plot. Other Chris: Hmm. Chris: Because you got to go somewhere. Travis: You do. Chris: He's an interesting guy. Travis: All right. Other Chris: Uh, seems like an interesting guy. Chris: Yeah. And the book series is pretty good. It's the jewish live series that Yale press puts out, so they highlight a lot of different people. They shit ton of books. Travis: Like, and when is your book coming out? Chris: So. Mine? Yeah, like, after I'm dead or something. I don't know. Other Chris: Okay. Chris: Yeah. Travis: All right. Chris: Yeah. We've got. I don't even know how many titles you. But, like, they've got one on Einstein, moshe Dayan. They do. Like David, you know, from the Bible. I'm not one Bialy. Travis: Just gonna ask the David. Chris: Yeah. Like that guy, the David. Elijah bathing. Yeah. Bathsheba. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Batsheva. Uh, but then we have Betty Friedan, Emma Goldman, Hank Greenberg. Peggy. Travis: Her name had bath in it and she was bathing. Chris: Yep. Travis: Yep. Chris: They still like people? Like, Groucho Marx is the one list after Maimonides, so they got a lot of good stuff. Harvey milk. Travis: There's no Miller Jews between those two. There's like a ton in here. Bob Dylan, Anne Frank, George Gershwin Chris: There's like a ton in here. Warner brothers, la, we sell. That's the ones that published. This was the latest one. And then coming out, they're gonna have Abraham, which probably. They haven't done that yet. Hannah Arendt, the Baal shem tov, which will be good, too. He's the guy that started the hasidic movement, like 400 years ago. Yeah, 300 years ago. He's interesting guy. Israel something. The Balsham tov. I can't remember his last name, but we showed the same first name. Uh, Walter Benjamin. Oh, Franz boas. That'll be good. He's the father of american anthropology, so. Yeah, I'd like to read that one. Bob Dylan, Anne Frank, George Gershwin, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Jesus. He's finally being added to the jewish live series. That's controversial. Travis: I mean, he was Jesus. Other Chris: I love it. Chris: Yep. And after, that's Josephus, so that kind of fits all. Other Chris: Uh, right. Chris: I was supposed to come out Louie, Louie Kahn, mordecai Kaplan. That'll be good. Carole King. Fiorello Laguardia. I didn't know LaGuardia was jewish until that. Because there's a name like Fiorello Laguardia. Uh-huh I would not have guessed, but italian jew must be, uh, Mahler, Norman Mailer, Louis b. Mayer and Irving Thalberg. Robert Oppenheimer, Ayn Rand, Rebecca Philip Roth, Edmund de Rothschild, Jonas Salk, Rebbe Schneerson. That's the reby. Uh, menachem. Mendel Schneerson. Travis: Uh uh-huh huh. Chris: The last chabad rebbe, some of whom say he was a messiah, but, uh, we still didn't get a kingdom in a new temple, so that's fine. Steven Sondheim, Susan Sontag, Gertrude Stein, Billy Wilder and Ludwig Wittgenstein. Other Chris: Yeah. Chris: So they got a lot of good stuff coming. Other Chris: Interesting. Chris: So all the rest of them, they have a ton of them. Other Chris: I only remember one of what those is. Is there a, is there a Mel Brooks? There should be a Mel Brooks, yes. Chris: He's on the first page of published title. Oh, down. Other Chris: I want to read that. Chris: Huh? No, really? Travis: Right? Doesn't look great. Chris: His book is called Mel Brooks disobedient jew. Travis: Like, it should be. Chris: That one's probably really good. Yeah, because they get interesting people to do the, to write the books. Because I have the Ben Gurion one, too, but I haven't read it yet. Mhm. Like, this guy who wrote the Spinoza one is the Paul W. Williams professor of human rights and journalism at Bard College, and he's the author of many books, including Murder in Amsterdam, liberal Europe, Islam, and the limits of tolerance, and contributes to Harper's and the New Yorker. He's a dutch guy, I think, originally. So that's why I think they picked him, because he talks about that in the book a bit. Like, he went back to the Netherlands and walked around, like, where Spinoza grew up and talks about the house. And, like, I think the house is still there. M. And, like, the area around it, that was the jewish area, but isn't anymore, like, kind of what it was like being, growing up a dutch person and, like, not really, like, kind of being aware this stuff, but not as much, not very detailed on it and. Yeah, whatnot. So. But Spinoza is one of my favorite, like, early modern, like, jewish, famous jewish people, just because he's really interesting and kind of a, he's, uh, so different from what people expect, you know? Right. And I tell people, like, anyone, like, if you're interested, like, an interesting guy, kind of want to explore some philosophy. Like, check out Spinoza. There's a lot of people who cite him now is, like said, like, the father of modern free thinking or. Yeah, the father of, like, kind of discarding traditional religious stuff, but still maintaining. Other Chris: Like, your culture and, like, some kind of identity. Chris: Yeah, some kind of identity. But you don't have to believe in stuff the old timey way. Other Chris: Yeah. Chris: The sad and odd thing is, they tried to get his harem undone a few years ago in Amsterdam by the rabbis in the sephardic community. Like, they were all for it. Like crap. We read the ruling on it, and, like, the logic is sound here, so we can't undo it. Uh, like shit. So. Sorry. Sorry. You know, you're still ex, you're excommunicated. Travis: We really didn't want to. Chris: Well, they did at the time, but. Travis: Oh, um, we did. Chris: Everyone wants to undo it, and we can't like, yeah, it works. But, like, jewish excommunication is like, that's incredibly jewish. Yeah, it is. It was so jewish. Chris: I had a nice time change last night. Yeah, man, you know, had that time change I'm like, we wanted to undo this, but we couldn't. The reasoning is sound. We can't. Travis: We were too good. Chris: Yes. Our ancestors were too good. Travis: Oh, my gosh. That's awesome. Chris: But, yeah, uh, cool stuff. Travis: Nice. Chris: Springtime's comments ring is getting here. It's been in the seventies lately, so. That's nice. Yeah, man, you know, had that time change, so that was nice. No, I totally forgot about it. Had no idea. Well, I woke up because all my shit changed. My clock, my phone. Yeah, I didn't know until I got in my car. My car said it was 1020 instead of 1120. I'm like, wait a minute. What the fuck? Other Chris: Yeah. I didn't even notice except watches. Wrong. Chris: I texted Brittany. Like, Brittany, did we travel through time last night? She's like, yeah. Uh, like, shit, I totally forgot. Travis: Yes, you did. Chris: Look, no wonder I'm a little tired. I lost a little bit of sleep here. Travis: Right, right. Yep, yep, yep. Chris: All right. Travis: We talked a lot other Chris. Other Chris: Hmm? Travis: Anything m else? Other Chris: Oh, geez. Oh, something good. Chris: Oh, my God. Other Chris: Uh, so, I, uh. Let's see. Well, a couple of things. Something that's, like, not very good, but I'm still gonna tell people to watch it. Uh, is, uh. I watched, uh, Neil Breen's new movie, which is, uh. Um, Kate the tortured crossing. Chris: Oh, okay. Travis: I've not even heard of this. Other Chris: Okay, so. So if you don't know Neil Breen. Neil Breen is a dude who's, like, I don't know, probably in his sixties. Uh, okay. Like, I think he's a Las Vegas resident. He seems like a Las Vegas resident. Anyway, he's. He's a dude that does these basically, uh, vanity projects. He's like, I'm gonna make a movie because I'm a genius. Chris: Yeah, okay. Other Chris: Um, but his movies are, like, at least, like, okay, so this one, cade the tortured crossing, is actually a sequel to another one called Twisted Pear. I don't even want to get into that. Uh, but this movie was shot almost entirely on green screen. Um, you know, like, visual effects provided by Adobe. Right? Like. Like, terrible actors. Um, he. He has a penchant for hiring, like, probably former strippers. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: Um, he. Chris: He. Other Chris: You know, like. Like, people who just, like, I want to be in a movie, and it's like, a $12 movie, you know? Like. Like, I mean, it costs $12 to make, right? Like, my friend, uh, he bought the, uh, he bought the dvd, right? Travis: Yeah, yeah. Other Chris: And, um, the dvd came in like an unmarked slim case, right? With like, like the sort of, ah, sticker printed on the top of it, you know, like, uh-huh uh, and it had like ah, a legal warning. Like, like not for any purpose commercial or uncommercial. And in one instance, like, the word commercial is spelled incorrectly. And like, uh, like seriously, like, the way you get this movie is you go to the guy's website and I'm pretty sure he just like burns a dvd for you and like slaps a sticker on it and mails it to you. Travis: Wow. Other Chris: Um, yeah, like it's, it's a very bad movie. Travis: I'm getting like Tommy wiseau vibes. Chris: Yes. Other Chris: Um, very much. And, yeah, uh, but, but like, it is, it is worth watching for exactly that reason that it makes, it makes no goddamn sense. Anything that happens makes no goddamn sense. And it's. It is so entertaining. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: Like, like. Oh, wow. This interview is for educational purposes only Anyway, enjoy. Uh, that. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: Uh, any, any Neil green film. Like, go. Go for it. Travis: Oh my God, this webpage is amazing. Other Chris: Oh, you found it. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: Good. Travis: It looks like they made it for geocities. Other Chris: Yes, yes. Like, like if you, if you thought that someone was doing this purposefully, you'd be like, that's genius. Yeah, but the fact that this dude is just like completely unaware of anything and like just going about his life and this is what comes out like, is also kind of amazing. I don't know. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: Anyway, um. Um. Travis: And oh, hold on. No person or distribution platform has the legal right to sell, rent, stream, distribute or podcast any Neil Breen film. So. Other Chris: Shit, I. Oh, you gotta cut all this out. I gotta cut. Chris: Okay to mention it. Travis: I think we're probably okay. Chris: Cuz you're probably fine. You can make a fair use argument of just talking about it. Travis: He's not allowed to listen. Yeah, if you're Neil Breen, you can't listen. Other Chris: It's for educational purposes, correct? Chris: Yes. Travis: It's a parody. Chris: No money will be gotten from this. Don't worry. Other Chris: And uh, the other day I watched, uh, I. Bottoms. Travis: Oh, I've heard good things about that. Other Chris: Bottoms is. Is very funny. And everyone should watch it. Travis: Okay? Other Chris: Including all the 15 year olds. Travis: Especially them. Other Chris: Especially them. Like, they'll get the most out of it, I think. Travis: Yeah, cool. Yeah, I think you're totally right. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: Add it to my ever increasing list of shit I need to watch. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: But then I don't. Um. Chris: Right. Travis: Then I don't. Because I'm busy playing Final Fantasy seven remake. Chris: Well, you know, there's so much shit to do, but yes. Travis: Anyway, uh, sorry, was that, was that the end of your. What else is good? Other Chris: That. That is everything good in my life. Everything every. No, I don't know. We'll talk later. We'll talk later. Travis: Some of the things that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. A book called little Eyes explores pet ownership and online privacy Well, uh, the one I wanted to bring up, and I've read this a little while ago, so I'm gonna have to, like, jog my memory of some of this, but I read a book called little Eyes by Samantha Schweblin. Chris: Uh-huh. Travis: And it was a translation from Spanish, but I listened in English. But it is kind of like. Other Chris: Kind ah. Travis: Of like black mirror is a good temperature check for the tone of the book, but the book is about, um, um, this toy that they bring out called a kantuki, which is kind of like a furby and a tamagotchi. Other Chris: Okay. Travis: So they're like little, you know, tiny furby sized animals that when you turn them on, it makes a connection between that toy and somebody somewhere in the world that's decided they're going to be your Kentucky. Other Chris: Okay. Travis: So, uh, they connect you to a computer program, and then someone's controlling the kintuki, and they have a camera where they can see the, what the thing is seeing and hear what everyone's saying to them, but you can't talk through it. Chris: Huh. Travis: M so, uh, it's a whole, it's like an anthology of stories about people on both sides of that equation. So both people who've received them and are now living with basically a stranger in their house that looks like a bunny. Other Chris: Mm mhm hmm. Travis: And people that like, uh, I don't know, they're their kid. Chris: Ah. Travis: Who's moved out of their house is like, you're alone in the house now, so you should be a Kentucky. Other Chris: Making connections. Travis: And like, it was really, really interesting because since it's a bunch of different stories. Chris: Yeah. Travis: She used it to kind of explore a bunch of different topics around, like, friendship and like, pet ownership. Like, thinking about the kind of shit you would do around a pet that if suddenly that's some person that's maybe like taking a screenshot of what's happening, you're like, I might not do that then. Like, and you know, uh, who would benefit from this? Or what kind of person would sign up to basically be a pet for somebody else? And, you know, talking about, um, like online culture and privacy and just a whole bunch of different topics that get covered by it. But it was really interesting. Um, I kept waiting for them all to interconnect somehow, but that never really happened except sort of thematically. Uh, but, um, the thing that she did that I want to call out that helped me a lot was because, uh, each kintuki is different, each story has a different animal. Kintouki. That helped me remember who the fuck was doing anything. Like, this one is the bunny, the lady who's in like Brazil or whatever. And she's connected to the girl in Germany whose boyfriend is stealing from her, uh, purse after they have sex. Other Chris: Oh, geez. Travis: The dragon is the kid who, uh, his kintuki is in like Scandinavia and he wants to go see snow and the italian guy has the weasel and. Yeah. So that helped me remember who was who. But really interesting. I thought it was worth the listen. Other Chris: Nice. Chris: Sounds like it. Travis: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Um. Yep, that's all I got. Danielle: Chicago is fun. I like Chicago also. What do you like about Chicago Other Chris: All right. Travis: And also Final Fantasy rebirth. But you know. Other Chris: Right. Travis: No one needs me to recommend that. I do just love though, what they've done with having your party there. Mhm. Because, you know, in the original game, they're not in your party. You don't usually see them until a cutscene. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: But now they just kind of follow you around. Oh, like Barrett is just kind of, just kind of in the background over. Other Chris: There, just hanging out. Travis: He's like, hey, hey, guys, while I'm riding the chocobo places, he's on the chocobo too. Well, and, uh, specifically anything that red xiii does in the game is my favorite thing because they're like, yeah, fucking lion guy is gonna ride a chocobo too. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: He's gonna climb up this sheer mountain cliff with you also. Other Chris: Adorable. Travis: Adorable. He's just so cute. Anyway, I'm gonna hit stop. Other Chris: I'll do that. Travis: Oh, I'm sorry, Danielle. Uh, did you have some? Danielle: Do I have anything else? That's good. Uh, Chicago is fun. Travis: Oh, yeah. What do you like about Chicago? Danielle: That they had Ghirardelli and we ate ice cream twice. Travis: Yeah. Danielle: Um, their theater was very pretty. Um, it was nice to walk around, although very cold. I do wish things would have been open longer. Travis: Would that have been nice? Danielle: And that people weren't like kicking you out within like 1 minute of closing time. Yeah, but I mean, I. To each their own, I guess. Travis: I guess. Fair enough. I like Chicago also. I was sad the bean was closed. Danielle: Yeah, that was a bummer. Travis: We saw it anyway. Danielle: Yeah, we did good. We should, we should have stood on the cone. Things like the other people did. We should have broken the rules. Who's gonna stop us? No one. Travis: No one was stopping them. Danielle: Yeah, we should have done it. We would have done it better. Travis: No. Chris: Alright. Travis: Stop. Danielle: Oo m. Okay, that was the session for today. Homework for this time is for you to get online and tell Travis and the Chris's that they shouldn't ever do a recording without me ever again. Like, what were they even thinking? Four. On second thoughts today. I ain't fucking doing it. That's Travis's thing. He's the one that fucked up. I'm not correcting his bullshit. Today's episode was foretold over hundreds of generations by hundreds of priestesses. But when it comes down to it was just made up by Chris. Chris Ham and Chris other Chris Jacobson. Uh, it was edited by Travis. Could never be a Chris Rowe was blessed to have me, Danielle Rowe and was sponsored by no one in particular. Until next time, keep fucking reading. Other Chris: Mhm. Travis: You can practice this yourself. I'll pause. Danielle: Uh, we'll do it live. We'll do it live. Travis: We'll do it live. Danielle: Hello and welcome back to RTFB. This is Danielle. And today Chris other Chris, Travis and I are talking about doing part two. Well, they're talking about it and I'm going to prime. Travis: Ahmad, did you want to read through it one time? Danielle: Uh, it looks like an rheumatization.